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Everything posted by dualhunter

  1. A large pizza is apparently 14" so this 28" pizza would have the surface area of 4 large pizzas. If you have 2 people that can each eat 2 large pizzas you're set but if it's thicker than a regular pizza it'll be even more pizza to eat.
  2. Grandia III is on PS3 as a PS2 Classic and while it's not a remaster it still looks and sounds better than Grandia II Anniversary Edition.
  3. My guess is Dreamcast version since the Steam page says that it supports Dreamcast VMS save files but it's not as if you're playing the Dreamcast version, it is an enhanced port. I was able to play the PC version fine but some people have had issues with crashing.
  4. Switch version is supposed to release next week (Aug. 16th). No date yet for the PC version of the first Grandia.
  5. It was on my wishlist for a long time before I decided not to get it and removed it. For a few dollars I decided to get it just in case.
  6. Get the 2070 Super instead of the older 2070 (though evga did have a regular 2070 with a DVI port but just 1). There are adapters and you'll probably be fine with a cable like Spork suggested but note that it says it's limited to up to 1080p. Do a search for your monitor model(s) and DP to DVI cable to see if anybody else has tried it.
  7. What do they mean by first matches against human players? Do they just mean that this particular instance of AlphaStar hasn't gone up against human players? While they're only now letting it play in ladder games, AlphaStar beat pro players several months ago so it has already played against human players. I'm assuming that now it can play any side and any map instead of just Protoss one on one against Protoss on a single map.
  8. Katamari Damacy REROLL Human Resource Machine Dragon Quest XI Mega Man X5 Mega Man X6 Hollow Knight Celeste Titanfall 2 The Messenger Wonder Boy in Monster World Guacamelee! Super Turbo Champion Edition Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals Super Turrican Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
  9. Katamari Damacy REROLL Human Resource Machine Dragon Quest XI Mega Man X5 Mega Man X6 Hollow Knight Celeste Titanfall 2 The Messenger Wonder Boy in Monster World Guacamelee! Super Turbo Champion Edition Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals Super Turrican
  10. Just made some homemade rum cream using an Irish cream recipe I found online modified a bit. Not what I expected (not as thick and the condensed milk adds some texture) but still good. First taste was heavy on condensed milk and light on rum (what was on the bottom of the mixing bowl after transferring the rest to a large bottle) but the rest seems good.
  11. Steam says I played 241 hours but I think the in game time was about 10 hours less. I spent a lot of time harvesting items trying to forge stuff as soon as I found the recipes. I'm sure a lot of time could be shaved off by waiting since many items that start off rare become more common later. I spent a significant amount of time in the casino, often reading on my phone while, looking up when I'd get a big win. A significant amount of time was probably from meal and bathroom breaks while the game was still running (often I'd stop the game for extended breaks but not always).
  12. I used the Hero, Eric and Jade as much as possible because they have a combined pep ability has a 100% success rate for rare item drops which is great if you want to make gear with the forge as soon as you can.
  13. Started a Retry (new game+, 4x money & experience) of Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals.
  14. Katamari Damacy REROLL Human Resource Machine Dragon Quest XI Mega Man X5 Mega Man X6 Hollow Knight Celeste Titanfall 2 The Messenger Wonder Boy in Monster World Guacamelee! Super Turbo Champion Edition
  15. @Spork3245 https://www.anandtech.com/show/14535/realtek-demonstrates-rtd2173-displayport-14-to-hdmi-21-converter If you're really lucky you might be able to get VRR on it like with G-sync on Freesync monitors.
  16. The rerelease already has a booster to give 100 of a list of spells and another for 100 each acquired spell. https://store.steampowered.com/app/39150/FINAL_FANTASY_VIII/ With those boosters the game should be quick to finish, the most tedious thing left would probably be manipulating the rules of the card game so that you can reliably win. I didn't bother with the rerelease but if the remaster has the same booster's it might be worth another playthrough.
  17. Watch a video. For Tidus' Celestial Weapon, the basics are stay on your side (for most of the race, it's less important on the final stretch), get ahead by the first turn and don't hold left or right just tap. If you do that, you just need to keep trying until you get lucky enough to get lots of balloons and avoid most of the birds. For the course in the ruins, the video will show you the optimal route so just practice.
  18. I briefly tried it, about 35fps on my 2070 (leave the resolution setting on "desktop" or prepare to click through a ton of resolution options, I'm using 1440p) but it was choppy even though the framerate was constant. It looks like you should be able to use the Steam version of Quake II RTX with any version of Quake II. You install Quake II RTX and then when you attempt to run it, another installer will pop up asking if you want to install the demo or full game. If you select full game you'll have to point it to the regular Quake II game folder. You can run regular Quake II or the RTX version but the regular version doesn't have any of the non-RTX enhancements like mouse cursor in menus and resolutions above 1600x1200. You don't have to run the RTX version using RTX, you can launch the RTX version and switch it to OpenGL in the video settings and it'll still look nicer than the regular version of the game. I haven't tried but you could probably uninstall the regular Quake II after you use it to setup the RTX version since I think it just copies the necessary files from the regular version to the RTX version. Tried it some more. I tried 1080p (I set my desktop resolution to that since it is much easier to select it from a drop down rather than clicking through every resolution and refresh rate in game) and got around 70fps and more importantly it wasn't choppy. Doesn't look as good though (mainly referring to the scaling rather than the lower resolution). A 4K display would probably scale to 1080p better. By default, the sky in singleplayer changes based on the current time (doesn't check your latitude so it's currently darker in game than it is outside). The audio sometimes gets messed up. I have confirmed that you can uninstall the regular Quake II once you've used it to activate the whole game in Quake II RTX.
  19. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1089130/Quake_II_RTX/ Demo is free (3 levels) but you have to pay for the rest of the game unless you already own it on Steam. You can also get the demo from nVidia: https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/campaigns/quake-II-rtx/ I don't know if there's any way to get it to work with other full versions (maybe merge installs of the nVidia demo with a non-Steam install).
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