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Everything posted by DarkStar189

  1. Sounds like as usual in cases like these, there's no clear answer. Gotta love our government. Another thought, I'm surprised people in jail would even get one if they owed money to anyone. I think people that were behind on child support didn't get a check. Could almost picture them adding in people that owed fines/restitution to the mix as well.
  2. I know a handful of people that this was the tipping point for them. Seeing his ridiculous behavior at the presidential debate and then watching him parade around while having Covid.
  3. My parents saw this ad on tv last night twice here in PA. They had to call me to check it out because they couldn't believe it was real.
  4. https://kotaku.com/the-latest-patch-for-the-last-of-us-remastered-reduced-1845476777 The first loading screen in the game used to take 1min 30sec. Now it takes just 14 seconds. Loading across the entire game has also improved. Impressive!
  5. This is me all the way. I love cereal but I hate soggy cereal.
  6. The human race would be so much better off with Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, etc... scrubbed from existence.
  7. I watch and listen to some content Ron Funches puts out. He was the only person I ever heard mention Quibi because he was on one of the shows. The thought of watching shows on my phone is not something I have ever done or planned on doing.
  8. Sorry if the video has a sway to it, I took it on my way out the door this morning. There are times where the PSN is slow for me, but a majority of the time(and pre-Covid) this is what I'm getting. I'm definitely lucky compared to most. My ping in Rocket League and Apex is usually around 18. I must live near some servers or something.
  9. I have noticed faster download speeds over the last week on the PS4. Back when Covid started they came out and said they were limiting download speeds due to increased traffic. I definitely saw a difference downloading the Black Ops beta. I think the beta was around 30GB and it took 18 minutes to download.
  10. I might not miss her completely on the podcast, but I will definitely miss her other work on the site. She had some great content.
  11. My tv just got the firmware today for it to be ready for the PS5. It's the Sony X900H. The notes specifically said "Allows 4k 120hz (Playstation 5)". Now I just need to get a preorder...
  12. After breezing through that guy's Twitter, he comes off as someone who REALLY needs a mental break from social media. He is in full defense mode, "has an answer for everything", and should probably do something more productive or relaxing with his time.
  13. "The rocky saga of Crucible, the free-to-play team-based shooter Amazon released in May 2020 and then unreleased in July 2020, is coming to an end. The developers announced today that they intend to shut down servers on November 9. The team will then transition to development on Amazon’s MMO, New World.".... https://kotaku.com/troubled-amazon-shooter-crucible-is-shutting-down-1845330651
  14. "GameStop has expanded its Xbox family of product offerings to include Xbox All Access, which provides an Xbox console and 24 months of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate to players with no upfront cost. GameStop and Microsoft will both benefit from the customer acquisition and lifetime revenue value of each gamer brought into the Xbox ecosystem." MS is buying up big game developers and is now investing their reach in the retail stores. Give Gamestop a bunch of tech help to run their business, but also when thousands of people per day go to a Gamestop, they will see Microsoft's offerings center stage.
  15. Game looks OK. I watched the quick look on GiantBomb and wasn't wow'd by much. My son would probably enjoy it.
  16. I wonder how much money is being saved with them not working in an office building now. If they were on the chopping block, hopefully that is something that will work in their favor. But I also don't want to see them working from home forever after "Covid is over". I found their videos much more entertaining when they were together. Hoping for the best.
  17. @Jason My wife started getting really into "I'm Sorry" on Netflix. It's a comedy from TruTv. I was curious if there would be a season 3 but due to Covid they will not be filming the season even though all 10 episodes have been written. Says they cancelled it too. Andrea Savage’s ‘I’m Sorry’ Won’t Proceed With Season 3 Due To COVID; Canceled By TruTV After 2 Seasons WWW.GOOGLE.COM Andrea Savage's 'I’m Sorry' won't proceed with Season 3 due to coronavirus; TruTV Cancels the comedy series after two seasons.
  18. The theaters that are closing, are they planning to reopen eventually? Can they afford to sit empty that long?
  19. I spent over $100 to get the neon yellow joy cons before they came to the US and within a year the right joy con had game breaking drift. Bought a kit on Amazon to fix it and it worked for another 6-8 months and now it's unusable again. I have the original red/blue joy cons the system came with, but I'm sure those will inevitably develop the problem. The past year I've just been using the pro controller docked so I don't ruin another joy con set. Ridiculous.
  20. I was able to get a Switch with nowinstock years ago and it worked great, but I have seen people mentioning what you said. I haven't had time to look into setting something up myself. Is it hard to do?
  21. -Take a look here quick, you might be able to set up alerts so when something comes in stock you might get a notice in time. Check out the recent stock tracker though and you'll see when stock does come in its usually for less than 10 minutes. Mix that with the websites have a disastrous time with everyone checking out at once, you're still going to have to get lucky. https://www.nowinstock.net/videogaming/consoles/sonyps5/ -Follow Wario64 on twitter I was unable to secure a preorder anywhere and I'm still on the look out. I have to admit, some of my passion for getting it at release has definitely diminished with the hassle of it all. Too many bots or too many people want these things that I can't stress myself to be available for that short 10 minute window of availability. If you can keep your phone glued to you for the next few weeks we might get lucky?
  22. When Trump was asked this question I swear my heart rate increased. I don't know what I expected his answer to be, but when I heard what he said my jaw literally dropped.
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