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Everything posted by DarkStar189

  1. I've mentioned it before but I bought a new TV kind of on a whim, and a month later it turned out to be one Sony said is "Ready for Playstation 5". Sony X90H. It got the firmware a few weeks before the PS5 release that its ready for 4k 120hz. I'm interested to try it out when my console gets here. Here are 2 pics I took with my phone with just the out of the box settings. Better Call Saul on Netflix:
  2. There's at least 2 posts right now on the PS5 Reddit where people who ordered the digital PS5, opened the box to find the disc drive version inside. Then there is a post with a misprinted controller that has a triangle button in place of the X button. Supposedly based on a teardown video of the controller, a triangle button wouldn't fit in the X buttons place. Some goofy shit going on. If I open my disc version and find a digital I'm going to be pissed.
  3. On the giantbombcast/beastcast I remember they mentioned a website popped up that was going to sell different colored shells but they got shut down by Sony. I might change the color myself when I get the PS5 but I would definitely prefer to just buy an extra set.
  4. Smart tv's make me kind of angry. Some brands will be more compatible with apps than others. Like I have a 2-3 year old LG led in the bedroom. The HBO app doesn't exist anywhere on its app store. My parents have a Samsung Q60 something from the beginning of this year. Any Netflix show that is in HDR looks extremely washed out and dark. Anything in just 4k looks bright and great. I searched everywhere and couldn't find an easy way to turn off HDR. The LG in my bedroom has the same problem with Netflix HDR and the only solution I could find was to buy a Roku stick where I can disable HDR in the Roku settings. I've had the best luck with my new Sony X90H. The os is basically just a clean cut version of Android. It loads apps super fast and has all the apps I want.
  5. @atom631 For the big companies like Sony their main goal is produce as many consoles as possible, as quickly as possible, and get them out the door. Who buys them how.... is probably at the bottom of their list They know every console produced now till June is basically sold on arrival.
  6. Since yesterday, the Sony direct website said there will be stock today. The website hasn't changed at all yet. Not sure what time they are going live. https://direct.playstation.com/en-us/ps5
  7. They will definitely have stock sometime between now and Christmas. Just judging by yesterday, it seems like a lot of websites were able to get the word out early enough about retailers taking more orders. I found out yesterday morning just by opening chrome and the first recommended story was ps5 orders opening again.
  8. I only own the complete edition of the first game. Will I get the PS5 version of that for free? Their different scenarios were descriptive but didn't really say that so I'm guessing no.
  9. I could never picture of a big majority of americans going out fighting each other. If any violence would happen, it would be in small select areas and most people would quickly realize the stupidity of it all and not participate.
  10. So they are saying the Pfizer vaccine would have to be given in 2 doses. In the trials it was 21 days apart and was 90% effective. I was curious, is this a shot we would have to get every year like the flu shot?
  11. Thanks to a mention here, I downloaded the Walmart app and got an order to go through. Took from 9pm to 9:08pm,moving one step at a time with lots of loading but it went through. I immediately got a fraud alert txt from my bank about the purchase but said allow as fast as I could. Got an email confirmation from Walmart about 5 minutes later so I think I'm in the clear. Fucking heart was racing the entire time. Still paranoid the order could be screwed due to the bank but I'll have to wait and see. I would definitely recommend the app.
  12. Sorry you still couldn't get one. I was busy all day so I didn't have a chance to try for one. My view has been so soured from that first night. And after these last couple weeks I've become perfectly content waiting until Jan-March if needed. Faster load times would be great, but there isn't a single new game I'm dieing to play. I'll try Walmart at 6pm. I told my son he gets my PS4 when I get the PS5 and he's been asking about it this week. Little man might just have to wait.
  13. So true. I've done a couple projects in my own home recently that turned out great, BUT the amount of time, planning, and execution it took was very overwhelming. With work and 2 kids, you just don't have the free time that you think you have to get projects done quickly.
  14. Love that links go up in the middle of the night Walmart advertising they will have orders up at 12pm,3pm, 6pm,9pm. Thats probably my only chance because there's no way I can be glued to my phone all day.
  15. I had a vasectomy maybe 4 or 5 years ago now. No condoms or babies since! Definitely feels better without condoms. I would last forever while wearing them, took a lot of the feeling away for me. Obviously use condoms though unless you are like me and settled in for life with a wife.
  16. The election being over isn’t going to solve much for us. I'm picturing more anger amongst the people. Election night is going to be a shit show no matter who wins. The accusations will fly from both sides about why the other came out on top. Another month or two of anger dominating the news as Covid cases continue to rise. Election night is just the next chapter in our bad situation. Personally I'm not more or less worried any more than I have been. I'm HOPING people remain calm and no one is senselessly killed.
  17. Not really a fan of what I'm seeing there. People are already unstable enough in life. They probably don't need this fueling the fire. I don't know the budget of the movie but it gives me a low budget vibe where half the movie is going to take place at the lady's apartment door.
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