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Everything posted by DarkStar189

  1. I love that book. Wife bought it for me randomly a few years ago.
  2. Browsing eBay tonight for random things. Start looking for old board games from when I was a kid. See a listing for a new cheap looking ouija board. Thought pops into my head…search “authentic ouija board”, let’s see some creepy stuff. Nothing interesting in the way of boards…. But what’s this? A “Buy it Now” $800 ancient stone planchette to use on a ouija board? Complete with a description of curse and misfortune? One of you needs to snag this and tell me what happens. I put the sellers long description at the bottom. Actually Extremely Haunted Ancient Ouiji Board Planchette. Read Description!! WWW.EBAY.COM Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Actually Extremely Haunted Ancient Ouiji Board Planchette. Read Description!! at the best online prices at eBay... Sellers description:
  3. Still no word on what exactly happened. So weird. I’m just used to people bringing awareness to their struggles. It’s helpful. Gives others an idea of what to look out for.
  4. That thing looks like an electric dirt bike! Nice. I’ve wanted an e-bike but have zero use for one. I have been noticing a lot of people riding them in my small town area now. Many more compared to just a year ago.
  5. I remember taking a school field trip to Philadelphia when I was in elementary school. My friend brought his dad's portable handheld tv on the bus. Not sure of the exact model but it was made by Casio and it was a black rectangle shape. We were all amazed by it when in reality it probably looked like shit. I just remember him stressing about the battery the whole time haha.
  6. I still have my Sony discman that got me through high school. For some reason I still have the car kit. Never used it.
  7. Great to hear you’re still mobile! I’m a big fan of icing injuries so if they recommend it, do it!
  8. Ughhh this is one of those injuries that creeps me out. Wishing you the best! I just worked for an old guy the other day that told me how his achilles tendon snapped walking down his hallway at home. It was like a year long recovery for him. He was like 75 years old though.
  9. I almost ordered one a few months ago but got turned off when I saw the shipping/delivery times. I figured by now they would have been caught up.
  10. Even if I was a billionaire, the thought of owning a giant yacht never sounded appealing. Everything about it seems like a hassle.
  11. I watch YouTube through my tv all the time in my living room. You can actually skip some of the ads. I think I hit the up arrow on my remote, click on a little i symbol, click stop seeing ad, and I flag each one as “inappropriate” for fun. Once you get the muscle memory down it takes like 2-3 seconds. Sometimes it won’t let you skip the ad and in will just show you a QR code or something and you just have to watch the ad. See if it works on the Xbox.
  12. I would definitely try it. I imagine it being bbq sauce adjacent.
  13. They have a $49.5 billion dollar debt...? This stuff is out of my league of understanding.
  14. I had a physical 2 months ago with blood work and Dr said everything looked good. I feel great but I guess it wouldn’t hurt to make an appointment. Still making progress losing weight, doing light weight lifting and boxing drills 2-3 times a week on top of the physical job that I have.
  15. I don’t remember if this one was mentioned in the thread but this guy would have went down to see the Titanic but the weather was bad and the sub was having issues…Then the next trip the Titan took was the one that imploded.
  16. “As part of our investigation, we have requested and will thoroughly review a copy of recent bridge inspection reports from the owner for compliance with federal Bridge Safety Standards,” the agency said in a statement Saturday, noting that responsibility for inspections lies with bridge owners. Guess we shouldn’t be surprised why this accident was allowed to happen. The article mentioned the Department of Transportation removed a bridge that paralleled the train bridge because it was old and became unsafe. We all know how train companies love to prevent disasters…..
  17. My wife is into some spiritual stuff and did some quick cleansing thing. Make sure I didn’t bring anybody else home haha. Not really my thing, but I also never experienced anything I couldn’t outright explain before either.
  18. There is this pretty big antique store near my house that we go to occasionally. Needed a replacement Alvin drinking glass (from Alvin and the Chipmunks) that got broken in our sink the other day. We had been walking around the store for about a half hour and I’m feeling totally fine, I’m hydrated, I ate some food like an hour before. I’m walking down an aisle and out of nowhere it felt like an invisible force came up from behind me and brushed through the left side of me in a hurry. For a split second I thought someone was bumping into me. But then it was like an invisible sensation passed through my lower back, on my neck, and through the left side of my head, with a sudden feeling of dizziness. The dizzy feeling felt like it was between my left ear and left eye. And just as quickly as it happened, it was completely gone. I’m pretty sensitive to how my body feels. Right after my heart rate is calm and never skipped a beat, no sweaty or clammy palms. Just like nothing happened. Weird stuff. No history of vertigo or anything like that. Afterwards, I think I slowly started getting into my head about it and wanted to leave. Took my drinking glass and tiny gatling gun and made it home/through the night.
  19. He sounds pretty legit to me. That interview he said he has been down to see the Titanic 33 times. I just read during one trip, a strong current trapped them against the stern of the Titanic and they were down there for 16 hours.
  20. That's seriously what that controller is...wtf man. Going over 2 miles down into the ocean with a $30 wireless controller? What a crazy world we live in.
  21. From a Yahoo news article: "There's no backup, there's no escape pod," Pogue told the BBC. "It's get to the surface or die." Pogue said that he was hesitant about getting into the submersible in November because the equipment on board appeared to be "improvised" and "off the shelf." "You steer this sub with an Xbox game controller, some of the ballast is abandoned construction pipes," Pogue told the BBC." This is according to a November report from the CBS News correspondent David Pogue, who previously took a trip on OceanGate's Titan submersible to see the wreck of the Titanic." Yeah no thanks.
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