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Everything posted by DarkStar189

  1. “Today, at the notoriously violent jail in Fulton County, Georgia, I was ARRESTED despite having committed NO CRIME” the first thing on his website. He is loving this.
  2. I go through phases with alcohol. I would never have more than 1-2 drinks a night but it just becomes a habit and I really don’t feel great the next day. I’ve always been fortunate I can just stop when I want. I’ll drop 10 pounds within a month or two of stopping which is cool. Going on 5 months now with no alcohol. Almost gave in this weekend but I might test myself and go a full year.
  3. What? I must have missed this. The most recent crazy I saw going around online was the MH370 airplane being teleported out of the air by 3 flying orbs…
  4. Maybe after the success of the movie it’s time to take Mario’s voice in a new direction. Why not start with a different voice actor.
  5. The videos she posts on instagram of her dancing are pretty creepy.
  6. Whenever someone says “let’s make sandwiches”, nobody ever says “yeah I want hot dog!”
  7. That is not a hot dog. That is a sandwich.
  8. Berks Grill franks are my favorite when cooking out. They cook better, like the skin doesn’t burn as easy. Wife thinks they taste a little salty but I think they are perfect.
  9. I feel the same. And if any of you want an update, yesterday the kids Fasciotomy went well. With a nice thumbs up photo… “Fasciotomy or fasciectomy is a surgical procedure where the fascia is cut to relieve tension or pressure in order to treat the resulting loss of circulation to an area of tissue or muscle. Fasciotomy is a limb-saving procedure when used to treat acute compartment syndrome.”
  10. My son played football for one season when he was 8. One kid on his team ended up with a knee injury. They played against another team where a kid ended up with a broken leg. Fuuuuck that.
  11. This may be more of a rant. How do you all feel about kids and extreme sports? We are friends with a family on Facebook, my son is good friends with their son from school. Kid is really into dirt bikes and motocross and has been for a few years now. He’s 11 or 12 years old. Maybe 2 years ago the kid broke his leg. That healed up and he got back at it. About a week ago they made a big post. Kid was practicing “the triple” (which googling seems to be a pretty big jump). It went bad and he ditched the bike 15ft up in the air and crashed to the ground. Choice quote from the parent: “I knew it was bad from the scream he let out” Kid broke his right wrist and snapped both legs like toothpicks. Broke the tibia and fibula in both legs. Then days later an update that he’s being treated for compartment syndrome which also sounds bad. But because we live in this social media world (I know I should stay off it) of course the family posts pictures of the ambulance ride, x-rays with all the screws, the kid laying in the hospital bed. “Not going to be weight bearing on the legs for 1-2 months”. Ughh… I can’t help but feel gross about the situation. Like sick to my stomach seeing this kid like that and them saying “he just wants to get better to ride again”. Maybe hang that shit up for now and find a different hobby. Since it sounded like if he landed any other way he could be paralyzed or dead. Are people letting their kids do too much these days? Just stay inside and play some Xbox or something.
  12. Haven’t felt the need to jump on any of these yet. I miiight have impulse bought Gotham Knights but it seemed to go unavailable pretty quick.
  13. I like how he couldn’t even make it through his apology video without being dramatic. I tried fixing the problem over 2 business days. A problem that brewed for months due to neglect. Stfu and take accountability.
  14. Some movies just aren’t worth seeing in theater even if it cost a fortune to make.
  15. I feel bad for Billet Labs getting horsed around like this. Especially by somebody as big as LTT. I just don’t get how a custom piece of hardware gets auctioned off by accident and it takes this long for accountability.
  16. Somewhere online recently I saw people discussing child care costs. One person in Seattle said they pay over $5,000 a month for all of their kids daycare. I can’t imagine what kind of money you’re pulling in to afford over $60k a year JUST for daycare. Maybe for that person a $10k party is a drop in the bucket.
  17. When it comes to trash eating, it doesn’t get any better than pizza, wings, and soda.
  18. I watched the first 30 min with my son tonight and like everything I watch digitally on Amazon, I have to crank the volume way up to hear voices, and way down for the action. Nothing new there though.
  19. For me Digiorno is the worst. The dough is too heavy and dense. Feel like they hit the scene big in the 90’s. If that dough is what made them popular, that’s just sad.
  20. Went to the dr for my knee, they drained a sample out for testing, gave me a shot, he recommended blood work for a bunch of stuff. Just found out I’m positive for Lyme disease now. Starting antibiotics today.
  21. Feels weird getting older and realizing big things you were taught in school were false and people somewhere knew all along. You have the atomic bombs here, and the Christopher Columbus stuff. I remember all the times looking at the food pyramid and seeing all of those wonderful servings of carbs I should eat. Feels strange.
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