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Everything posted by Chris-

  1. In college I worked at a Walmart that had a Subway inside, and the smell the bread made while it 'baked' is one of the most revolting scents I've ever had the displeasure of experiencing.
  2. And why are women suddenly protagonists? Unless they have big tits women protagonists SUCK.
  3. You're wrong, games fucking SUCK. I have to use Epic Game Store which sucks and frame pacing sucks and everything SUCKS.
  4. Moreover, how is it self-determination when the latest election was allegedly a show? I don't want the US to get involved, but I don't see how anyone can look at Venezuela and think Maduro should still be in power.
  5. Oh man, I don't think the CEB is ready for the Lucian/Boyle tag-team duo.
  6. I did not. Normally I would have needed to because I have a small bladder and drink an impossible amount of water throughout the day, but I adjusted and stopped drinking anything a few hours before.
  7. I'm on record of kind of wanting to fuck @Greatoneshere
  8. Of course Idea’s first two complaints are about the women.
  9. Just got back. That last scene, fellas. Ohhhhhh boy. And there is one other scene which is just going to blow your dicks off, it rules and is everything you wanted out of the MCU over the past however many years.
  10. On that note @sblfilms, if necessary, what is the optimal pee time frame?
  11. Again, I'm not suggesting it is insidious or hostile; obviously free college benefits the poor and working classes. However it (like climate change) is a priority driven by the educated class, and I don't see how that can be considered anything other than elitism. When your political movement is being led by an elite class (which, given national statistics, the college-or-more educated crowd certainly is), it is inherently elitist, no matter how much it looks out for those below it.
  12. I never said it was those two exclusively, I was merely highlighting two examples where the elitism of the left shines through.
  13. It's not disingenuous at all, because I'm not suggesting it is a hostile platform; it is hospitable to the working class. But the fact of the matter is that a plurality (if not majority) of the left is comprised of well-educated white people, and their priorities and actions reflect that. I don't know how you can call that anything other than elitism, no matter how benevolent it may be.
  14. The talk about "elitism" is pretty funny given that Sanders and the left are focusing on things like climate change and free college, which I highly doubt are high up the priority list for the working class.
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