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Everything posted by Chris-

  1. UPDATE: No it is not. This is the best salad dressing: Sweet merciful christ, this stuff is so fucking good. You could serve me literal garbage, and I would still eat it if it was coated in this dressing. I am now whole.
  2. Ray tracing? Christ, I remember when 'progressive scan' was the dweeb talk de jure that I had to know about. Stop making me learn about this stupid sounding tech!
  3. To add to this, my rule of thumb is always: it means more to them than it does to me. It's a couple of bucks to me versus validation for them.
  4. $24 cut, $6 tip ($10 around the holidays).
  5. I want Warren the most but I'm fearful that the electorate is stupid enough to be bothered by that 'Pocahontas' bullshit.
  6. At least we can be content knowing that the leads are a woman and a black man; they can never take that away from us.
  7. It'd be a bit better if 'Skywalker' is just the 'new way' he pined for in TLJ...The Jedi Order without all of the naiveté. 'I'm a follower of Skywalker.'
  8. For what it's worth, the 'No one's ever really gone' with Palpatine's laugh could just reference the fact that Anakin was redeemed in the end, and the same could happen with Kylo. Meaning no fan service bullshit. That's not what it will ultimately mean, but a man can dream.
  9. Given that a significant portion of Episode VII concerned who was in possession of Luke's lightsaber, there is a 100% chance Episode IX has to do with finding Palpatine's robes so that the owner can be a super powerful Force wizard.
  10. Putting something out for public consumption and demanding it be experienced a certain way is nothing short of egotism. If the consumer wants to bastardize the experience for themselves let them, and if you can't handle that possibility then you aren't fit to make something for public consumption.
  11. And you could just as easily realize that satisfaction after selecting 'Hard' on a difficulty menu.
  12. It should not be controversial to say that... - Publishing unredacted intelligence that directly puts peoples' safety at risk; and - Publishing materials stolen by a foreign government ...are not matters of journalism and free speech.
  13. Does that matter? I pay a lot of attention to leftist-oriented publications (Splinter, Jacobin, etc.) and organizations (like the local DSA chapter). The rhetoric expressed is always that wealth and capitalism are unequivocally bad; whether you are talking about $2 million, $20 million, or $200 million, that rhetoric is incompatible with the notion that someone can make that much money in one year without any ethical misgivings.
  14. And that misses the point entirely, because as Bernie's situation shows it isn't the wealth that is bad. Being rich or wealthy (not entirely the same thing) are not moral failings if they are achieved in absence of exploitation, and in a society where people have their basic needs met (whether that is food, health care, labor protections, or otherwise), they are wholly unobjectionable. Polemics like 'wealth is bad' don't capture that nuance, and their obtuseness only pushes away people who would otherwise strongly agree with the underlying policy. It's counter-productive.
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