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Everything posted by Chris-

  1. The Switch now has two games based on Netflix properties, but still doesn’t have goddamn Netflix!
  2. I do most of my grocery shopping at Aldi, and outside of a handful of items, I've found all of their private label stuff to be as good - if not better - than their name brand equivalent. The only thing I dislike is how much produce needs to be bought packaged (which is annoying as a bachelor; I can't go through two pounds of onions!), but they've slowly started introducing more pay-by-the-pound items.
  3. The idea that someone's 'joy' is compromised by hearing news from a leak as opposed to an orchestrated media reveal is so fucking infantile.
  4. Dude spends half of his Netflix show extolling the virtues of Domino's. I'm not hating - the esteem with which I hold proletarian food is well recorded - but let's not act like a chef's opinion is a rubber stamp.
  5. And David Chang's favorite beer is Bud Lite. Sometimes a chef's opinion ain't worth shit!
  6. Our next D1P charity should be paying for Bacon to eat real food.
  7. The dweebish-ness with which some people treat news as spoilers is nothing short of stunning. Oh no, real life is being spoiled for me!
  8. I'd say Bacon's food preferences are like a child's, but that'd be one weird fucking child, so I don't know what other point of comparison could be made.
  9. The Switch has no games. Except these ones which are too similar to the ones they had on Wii U. And these ones that I don't want. And these ones that I'm going to discredit for an arbitrary reason. Keep on moving the goal posts.
  10. Warren Warriors offer you fresh homemade pie, pour-over coffee, and talk to you politely -but passionately- about why paid parental leave is necessary and feasible. Bernie Bros offer you an open bag of Doritos, a crusty jizz rag to wipe off your face, and blow smoke from an American Spirit in your face while they talk about beheading Jeff Bezos.
  11. The fact it makes exceptions for rape/incest is reason enough; stop giving anti-abortion activists a pass from putting their misogyny and barbarity on display.
  12. My co-worker, who has not seen the series yet, was put off when I advised her that she should absolutely NOT watch it during her beach vacation next week.
  13. To CV's point, Section 8 - and welfare in general - are definitely maligned by certain segments in this country, and any attempt to do what Helsinki did would only amplify that consternation. I don't think it's a stretch to saying doing so would be politically impossible.
  14. It is also a horrifically underfunded program (the waiting list for vouchers is gigantic) with significant problems in application...For example, if you have an eviction or monetary judgement against you, it becomes borderline impossible to get vouchers. The constituency that is most likely to have those things is also the constituency most at risk for homelessness.
  15. With a decal on the back that shows a Patriots Calvin pissing on Roger Goodell's face.
  16. https://www.newswise.com/articles/childhood-adversity-linked-to-earlier-puberty-premature-brain-development-and-greater-mental-illness
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