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Everything posted by Chris-

  1. Putting something out for public consumption and demanding it be experienced a certain way is nothing short of egotism. If the consumer wants to bastardize the experience for themselves let them, and if you can't handle that possibility then you aren't fit to make something for public consumption.
  2. And you could just as easily realize that satisfaction after selecting 'Hard' on a difficulty menu.
  3. It should not be controversial to say that... - Publishing unredacted intelligence that directly puts peoples' safety at risk; and - Publishing materials stolen by a foreign government ...are not matters of journalism and free speech.
  4. Does that matter? I pay a lot of attention to leftist-oriented publications (Splinter, Jacobin, etc.) and organizations (like the local DSA chapter). The rhetoric expressed is always that wealth and capitalism are unequivocally bad; whether you are talking about $2 million, $20 million, or $200 million, that rhetoric is incompatible with the notion that someone can make that much money in one year without any ethical misgivings.
  5. And that misses the point entirely, because as Bernie's situation shows it isn't the wealth that is bad. Being rich or wealthy (not entirely the same thing) are not moral failings if they are achieved in absence of exploitation, and in a society where people have their basic needs met (whether that is food, health care, labor protections, or otherwise), they are wholly unobjectionable. Polemics like 'wealth is bad' don't capture that nuance, and their obtuseness only pushes away people who would otherwise strongly agree with the underlying policy. It's counter-productive.
  6. Wow, it's almost as if 'wealth is bad' is an overly simplistic and reductive polemic. There is hope yet for your ability to see nuance and complexity.
  7. I'm not taking it as a legitimate criticism of the man or his indictment of the rich; I'm taking it as a criticism of the obtuse and reductive rhetoric his followers employ. If the dirt bag left is too sensitive to get a taste of their own medicine and needs everyone to 'shut the fuck up', then maybe they should grow the fuck up! Bernie being a millionaire and AOC acquiescing on the tax filing bill are proof-fucking-positive that progressive politics are not absolute affairs, and it is pure joy to see that reality hit the left in the face.
  8. I look forward to the Ben Shapiro tweet criticizing how feminism has politicized this scientific achievement.
  9. Must be hard when your reductive and absolute political headspace is shattered by the very man who inspired it.
  10. The movie came out like three weeks ago and you thought it would be on demand before Endgame?
  11. I think it helps that the maps were so good; I could still tell you the best paths to take as a spy in the theatre, or as a merc where to look for them in the hospital.
  12. Stubbs, Armed and Dangerous, and Psi-Ops were all fantastic games. Another sixth generation opinion: I think Pandora Tomorrow's spies/mercs multiplayer mode is one of the best multiplayer modes of all time.
  13. My friend, I do believe we have just solved the theory of relativity. I will see you Stockholm.
  14. However, the space right before an event horizon is all fucked up too, so it emits massive amounts of radiation and distorts light in different ways (hence the glow in the image).
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