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Everything posted by Chris-

  1. There is a certain irony to using a Schoolhouse Rock gif incorrectly.
  2. Fascinating how quickly 'millionaires are bad' pivots to 'actually, millionaires are just respectably successful people' within the cult of personality.
  3. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/09/us/politics/bernie-sanders-tax-returns.html?smid=fb-nytimes&smtyp=cur&fbclid=IwAR04-ZOw6RTSMlsR5ZO1f-WmWlB7PjgKsyUMYhn9qI4xwctkD4POj16hG6c Sure sounds like a socialist who is hostile to capitalism!
  4. Inuk is an extremely good boy, and I hope he brings a smile to your face every day.
  5. I assure you, it is quite real. They've been organizing masked protests of a local coffee shop after the owner was accused of sexual impropriety.
  6. My life has been far better since I stopped thinking about religion in any way, shape, or form.
  7. The Jewish people would have been far better served had they been given Alaska for the Jewish state.
  8. It's fascinating to watch Berniebros act oblivious over how their behavior affects others perception of Bernie.
  9. The Borderlands collection is only $15 on PS Store, and I will buy it.
  10. You're right, they're better.
  11. You are such a stupid bitch, wow.
  12. Psssst if you have to smother the fries in cheese and Thousand Island dressing to make them edible, then they aren't good fries.
  13. Wow you so clearly have no fucking idea what you are talking about, you fucking moron.
  14. I appreciate that after a multi-month hiatus, it was his horniess for Buttigieg that brought IAW back.
  15. 1. Arby's 2. Five Guys 3. McDonalds 4. Chic-fil-a 5. Popeye's 6. KFC 7. Wendy's 8. Burger King 9. Being lit on fire 10. Being run over by a fucking truck 11. In-n-Out
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