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Everything posted by Derek

  1. Thanks for the link. I ended up buying it 🥵. Figured I'd pass it down to my kids in 20 years. It might be worth something. There goes the 1000 quarter's I just rolled yesterday!
  2. He's right. I helped him pick out this bed. Let's just say, the mattress wasn't the only thing that was soft and hard that day.
  3. I bought the first book so long ago. I wanted to get in on the ground floor of this series, since GoT for away from me. I never did get around to reading it.
  4. Wow! Blasts from the pasts. Hello, gentlemen.
  5. I'm kind of interested in this game. www.polygon.com/platform/amp/2020/7/17/21328277/paper-mario-origami-king-nsfw-toad
  6. Better times is right. I was young, dumb and full of fun. Late 20s and not a care in the world. Back then, I had the time to grab a name off of a photobucket link, plug it into the white pages and get an address, write a nice little note with pictures, take a ride over to the house, peek in the windows for a couple of hours to make sure noone was home, beat off in the flower bed because I was feeling naughty, place the note in the mailbox next to the door, beat off in the flower bed again because I was successful and finally head on home. It feels like a lifetime ago.
  7. There's a game show called 'Don't'. It's goofy, but Ryan Reynolds narrates it with less funny Deadpool humor.
  8. Mine finally arrived! I was worried because I ordered from a questionable website, but it all worked out.
  9. Lol. Yeah. I have a 6 month old and a 19 month old.
  10. Wow. In 17 years when my kids move out, I look forward to trying these out.
  11. I laughed at a few of the narrations. The pepper challenge was fun.
  12. Someplace online said it can cause conflicts. Is that accurate? I ran out of room on my first and started loading up a second one.
  13. Nintendo's cohorts feeding tourists those infected bats has really paid off for them. Well played!
  14. Was hoping this was a remake of the Affleck/Bullock film
  15. I've been thinking about picking this up, so I've been visiting this thread to see what people think of it. Going by just that, it sounds like a turnip harvesting game in which you can see meteor showers?
  16. This would've been a fun quarantine if I didn't have kids. It has been miserable.
  17. I saw the preview for next week. They make it out of the desert.
  18. Or, wild card, Kim and Saul are still together. He never mentioned her in BB in order to keep her safe... or that's how they'll explain it. He leaves the cinnabon shop and goes home to her each night.
  19. Was hoping to see some boobies or censored intercourse, though.
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