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Everything posted by Xbob42

  1. Nobody shot them in the back as they were fleeing unarmed, so they got off easy compared to the justice they dole out.
  2. Bleem established legal precedent ages ago that you are entitled to be paid for your emulator, nothing to skirt.
  3. You know, I normally get worried about stuff like this. But some part of me knows Yuzu has been huge and has had a steady flow of income for years, so I'd like to say to Nintendo: "Good luck with that." If the Yuzu devs actually take this to court instead of instantly caving (which I think is what Nintendo is hoping for) then I don't think Nintendo has a fucking leg to stand on, and would get humiliated. Would the Yuzu team go to court? I don't know, but they should, would be fun to watch Nintendo set legal precedent that they fucking suck. It all comes down to what the Yuzu folks do. People act like winning this kind of thing is impossible, but it's not. It's just expensive. And that's why you sue for legal costs! Yes yes, all easier said than done, but again, Yuzu's steady income over the years has me at least somewhat hopeful they say "fuck off Nintendo, we're calling your bluff."
  4. Got to "battles are played automatically" and just noped out. I don't even like AI partners in actions games, I don't want to see AI duke it out with each other, that's boring as shit to me. Setting FF12-style priority orders beforehand just abstracts actually playing the game to more menus and takes away agency in combat, meaning there's no reacting or doing anything interesting once an actual battle takes place. Just completely not my thing.
  5. There was no reason for any Pokemon game to run or look as bad as they did. The Switch wasn't the problem, Gamefreak was.
  6. No, Game Freak just makes their games in such a crunchy amount of time that this is standard fare for them. I can't remember which game it was, but remember the previous game being announced with just fucking sketches? I think it was Scarlet and Violet.
  7. Set entirely within the city, huh? That sounds like it's gotta be Switch 2. The only way that stays entertaining for the length of a Pokemon game is if it's a really big city with varied locations.
  8. I feel like anyone that actually enjoys going into the office just kind of needs a more robust social life and outside-work community. The few odd days I've had in my life where I actually wanted to go to work were because I pretty much had fuck all going on outside of work, so it was more interesting than sitting on my ass.
  9. You should just be able to register that you're married online, and do a ceremony if you feel like it.
  10. How very un-American of you to want to SILENCE the only network out there BRAVE ENOUGH to just make shit up for money!
  11. I mean, I dunno if I'd consider a multiplat third-party game a "tentpole franchise." Better than launching with nothing, but I feel like GTA players would still buy it on the PS3 if it released there, let alone buy a premium console just to see 4k flipflops.
  12. There any way to speed up/skip the mission results XP/money tally? It feels obnoxiously, pointlessly slow in a game that otherwise tries to avoid being obnoxiously slow.
  13. I'd consider it but you have to be okay with me constantly berating you for not playing well and also judging your personal life!
  14. No, I don't follow anyone on Twitter. I'm talking about examples in this thread. That's all. Dial it back.
  15. I'm more talking about the Twitter types who are like "WHAT IF AI COULD DRIVE YOU TO WORK USING THE CLOUD WHILE YOU SMOKED CRACK IN THE TRUNK"
  16. Between oatmeal cream pies and nutty bars for me. That said... I know it's not Little Debbie but damn Nutty Bars reminded me of Nutter Butter wafers. Could eat these fuckers all day.
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