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Everything posted by Xbob42

  1. It's so weird that they skip straight to "what if [worst idea possible]" instead of what if it made it a trillion times faster and easier to generate decent assets for things like games or movies that are absurdly expensive and time consuming and are a large part of the reason the gaming industry is starting to take a billion fucking years to release games? AI has amazing potential uses, and these dipshits can't even fathom them because they don't know what the hell they're talking about.
  2. I haven't got to play too too much of this yet (GPU was out for RMA for like a week, I felt like a fucking caveman) but damn the little I played was good. It's 100% Starship Troopers: The Game. Listening to a fucking NPC on your ship sadly talk about how "these aliens just won't accept freedom, no matter how many times we deliver it to them" is so good.
  3. This had fallen completely off my radar! Picked it up via GMG. Installing now! Not sure if I'll have time to play it at the moment... (Granblue Relink, Persona 3 Reload, Islands of Insight, Helldivers 2, Tomb Raider remasters, Nayuta, Apollo Justice, Infinite Wealth, Gylt, Crisis Core before Rebirth, Star Ocean 2nd Story, Cocoon, etc etc LET ME BREATHE JESUS) but I'll check it out ASAP. Atmosphere seems great!
  4. You INHALED fentanyl? Based on what I've seen from cop reactions, I assume you caught on fire and then died three times?
  5. Alright so you know how Nintendo is good at business? Sony is the opposite of that, they've just kind of been coasting on "let's keep doing everything the same, forever" for like a decade. Gamers are creatures of habit, so this largely works, but if you watch the small stuff they do all the time, you'll see they're just absolute numbnuts.
  6. I've been saying this almost verbatim for years! I think the concept of exclusives is dumb as shit. Also:
  7. T H I S M I G H T B E A G O O D S P O T T O F I N D S O M E I N G R E D I E N T S
  8. On the bright side, California has been almost completely out of drought status (just a few "abnormal dryness" areas far inland) for pretty much the first time in my life, and for a protracted period of time! The water knife shall be ours! Or whatever that story was about.
  9. I can't imagine what your first reaction to Twitter was!
  10. I mean, as far as I'm concerned the PS5 exclusive has barely been better than the Xbox lineup. Partly due to the fact that a lot of these PS5 exclusives don't appeal to me, but also partly because they're boring and lack ambition. Getting rid of Japan Studio was insane, and no Sony generation has ever come close to the fucking insane quality of exclusive (including third-party exclusive) games that the PS2 had. Even the PS3 had a lot more weird shit. Feels like since PS4/XB1, the big exclusive side of things has gotten really dire and lame outside of Nintendo, who genuinely seem more ambitious with their games a lot of the time, even when they're playing it safe.
  11. Game looks so much better with motion blur turned off. The motion blur in this game has some real fuckin' Nintendo Please Hire This Man energy. Also, now that Atlus of all companies is just casually using raytraced reflections on random mirrors in crowded hallways that reflects the entire crowd, no one else has an excuse anymore! This is the company who released their last mainline game on the fucking PS3 in damn near 2017! And it ran well on there because it wasn't doing anything technically impressive! IF ATLUS CAN DO IT, YOU MOTHERFUCKERS CAN DO IT TOO
  12. Depends on which part I'm picking up. From least difficulty picking up to most, for me it's: Story -> Current Objective -> Gameplay mechanics So, never have any trouble remembering the overall story, maybe I'll have forgotten some minor details. Current objective will depend on the game, obviously no problem if it's plastered on the screen, less so if it's a less structured game. And gameplay mechanics is where I'll be most likely to need to spend several minutes refreshing myself.
  13. "I.D. software" stopped watching, made racist comments on video, am now a misogynist.
  14. We're not ready to talk about how just fucking giving everyone a basic ass house would be life-changing for almost the entire nation, while still allowing them to attain bigger or "better" houses if they wish.
  15. It's almost like when I can generate more wealth than "barely fucking staying alive and being miserable" I go from dreading work because it just prolongs this cycle of unhappiness to working harder because now I can get things I want, go places I want, be healthier and happier and enjoy life more!
  16. Yes, participants were substantially more housing secure. While other Texas residents (read: not participants) with low income became modestly less housing secure over the same period. So again, wild success.
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