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Court Jester
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Everything posted by Mr.Vic20

  1. I took the day off and am currently playing Starfield once more. Somehow My level 100 character save got wiped, so I'm now level 39. I suppose this give me a reason to play again. Its not a bad game, its just not a great game. So why am I playing it? Because I've always liked BGS gameplay, jank and all, and I just came off a Fallout 4 run. Skyrim gets played through every other year. I'd play earlier entries in the FO/ES series, but it does seem likely we'll be seeing some remakes in the next 1-2 years, so I'll hold off for those.
  2. I have no particular view of her music, but I will say that my daughter listened to the latest release and she said the lyrics are fairly vapid. She's like Swift's music in the past, so I don't know what changed.
  3. As you alluded to earlier in this thread, I think it speaks more to the age of the content creator than anything else. We're old.
  4. I don’t see Morte, Minsc or Boo on this list, and so by law it is invalid.
  5. Why are all the new bad ideas just old bad ideas with new terms? Oh right, we're not that bright!
  6. 20 minutes with a shower. 15 minutes without a shower. Raised with five other brothers and sisters, and dad having been military, we were always expected to be ready for jump!
  7. My love for this show has only been exceeded by my relief that they did not butcher it! I watched the conclusion last night and was very satisfied. We live and we die. we make, we sink, and we raise boats again. Who can say how many times?
  8. I can’t speak for how well Infamous holds up, but my son plays the Hell out of prototype 1 and 2 to this day!
  9. I opted to give this one a few weeks after launch to iron out any day 1 issues and so fell to Playing Fallout 4 instead. Looks like I can hop in this weekend as it apparently launched in pretty good shape.
  10. I have tomorrow off, THURSDAY IS MY FRIDAY! Thank you David, I think I will...
  11. Yeah, I wouldn't touch that. In fact, I'd go as far as to say, if a group steps forward right away, its a decent sign they likely aren't up to the task.
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