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Court Jester
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Everything posted by Mr.Vic20

  1. I saw a preview of this on https://www.rpgwatch.com/ It looks good and looks to play well, but it will wait until I complete FFVII & Trials of Mana. That said, I will play this one for sure!
  2. I understand that the GPU workload can be effectively scaled via most modern engines, the visual impact lessened through techniques like checkerboarding. Do I love 4TF, nope, but then again I suppose its not for me, but my real fear is that IF the GPU spec is that light, might the total system RAM and SSD's quality be impacted as well? *IF* so, that will effect high end development targets. Its not just about load times either, it can effect the approach they take on total throughput of the system, potentially resulting in less than ideal texture streaming. It benefits the industry when next gen hardware strives to push the hardware to its economically viable limits.
  3. If it has the same exact amount of RAM and a similar speed SSD to the high end model then I wouldn't care, but I'm guessing those components would be effected as well. I do have the means and that's why I have a high end PC, but I know that developers tend to follow the "we walk as slow as the slowest scout" approach so I'm critical of any minimal hardware bottleneck and I suspect this unit will provide just that *IF* these rumors are true.
  4. While its true that generations to generations aren't apples to apples, the delta won't be that great either. That said, your point is taken that it will likely roughly rival the XBX in relative performance, still disappointing, if true.
  5. I just can’t believe a 4TF spec unless this will be a streaming box. X One X is a 6TF. To be clear, I could see them doing this, but I see it as an awful purchase.
  6. I'm on Chapter 14 as of today. I've been enjoying it so far, despite the questionable texture loading issue. I will likely try and clear the game next weekend, if I don't get side tracked level ever single materia!
  7. Drips and drabs, but "operation scarlet spear" is out so you can now build your own space dock, build your own space ship, upgrade it, fight a new faction of aliens, etc.
  8. Its nice to have an actual reason to use the icon rather than the typical sarcastic one!
  9. https://www.crn.com/news/components-peripherals/nvidia-ceo-vows-expedited-raises-no-layoffs-in-covid-19-missive
  10. Because of the lack of GPU or just the game or both?
  11. Given the nature of the tech, that actually makes total sense. You could easily arrange loads of RT elements in the environment to utterly crush any available GPU.
  12. I didn't know what an "E-Girl" was so, I did some research... And now, I think This concludes my book report.
  13. Curse my sausage fingers!
  14. Ha! To hear PC purests tell it, yes! But uh, no probably not! I’ll enjoy it as a fun tech model for Ray tracing though!
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