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Court Jester
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Everything posted by Mr.Vic20

  1. I feel like they should Roll with the inevitable ridicule and make a gamer Cologne called “essential”.
  2. I had the same decision to make regarding this last mono and still went with a PCIe 3.0 board, but I figured such issues would not be truly relevant until 2021.
  3. @AbsolutSurgen @SFLUFAN the date of release in steam has changed to today! Strap in gents, we're going to Hell(on Earth)!
  4. Maybe they wanted to launch it digitally today, but someone at Bethesda's offices lost the three different colored keycards?
  5. I see that how I've phrased my comment can be easily misconstrued. What I mean is that the Architecture is sufficiently unique that if Sony wanted to port their exclusives to PC, it would take a few years for most PC gamer's hardware to match what would be needed to make that happen, due to the high level of customized focus on system bus/through put. I think the price of the PS5 will be fairly reasonable. Sorry for the confusing wording.
  6. I'll stop buying consoles when I can get all of their exclusives on PC. I'm buying console hardware for access, not the hardware itself typically. With Game Pass MS is giving me exactly what I want, while not cutting the people who can't afford a high end PC out of the picture. I think that's the best solution. Seeing Sony's approach to PS5's architecture tells me they don't quite see it that way!
  7. PS5 is going to be just fine with the specs shown, no pro needed right now, and I say that as someone with a very high end PC. Same goes for X box Series X.
  8. The implications of the ultra fast SSD in conjugation with a new generation of engines like decima could be positively mind blowing and allow the PS5 a distinct advantage in IQ despite have a slightly less power GPU. Do not underestimate the soothing voice of Mr. Cerny, he most likely just B slapped MS's specs right into the moon! Edit: to be clear, this would likely only be for 1st party and some 2nd party titles
  9. I am so ready to realize I'm not quite good enough to beat the last half, give up a half dozen times in frustration, and eventually complete this baby 9 months later!
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