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Court Jester
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Everything posted by Mr.Vic20

  1. Ha! To hear PC purests tell it, yes! But uh, no probably not! I’ll enjoy it as a fun tech model for Ray tracing though!
  2. We kept it real steady for your return brother, we didn't more any of your shit...or ours!
  3. Yeah, its the aging issue and the fact that games like Far Cry 2 where already on the scene on consoles so "another" sandbox shooter wasn't as impressive to the console crowd as it would have been had there been a console that could have run Crysis when it first hit the scene. Instead of being a watershed moment for console owners, it was a "what this hat all the excitement was about?!" moment and I think it further hurt the series. Then two drops and its really limited. And then Far Cry 3 hits consoles and Crysis 3 looks even worst upon its debut the year after. Its no longer seen as a pioneering series but rather another me too, soulless FPS relegated to modest sales and bargain bins. Its a shame too because while 3 is no return to form for the series, I would argue it is its own beast and a fun ride at that!
  4. I would argue that Crysis, as a series, suffered its switch from a PC exclusive sandbox FPS that pushed hardware to a console style FPS with smaller areas. PC fans never forgave Crytech for going that direction and Console gamers didn't understand what the hype was all about until Crysis was released long after sandbox shooters were already a thing on consoles so its impact was pretty muted. Crysis 3 definitely suffered the "no one cares about this series any more!" issue though it has better level design, gameplay, graphics, and production values than 2. I think that 3 is objectively a better game than 2 in a side by side comparison.
  5. Yup, it was not. Three has a fun ride, and still looks amazing, even by today's standards. I think of it as a quality middle point between 1 ans 2, with 1 being amazing, 2 being trash, and 3 being solid and charming in its own right.
  6. It is and you definitely should! Yes, its not "true" Crysis but its certainly better than 2 and is plenty of fun in its own right!
  7. eeeeeeeewwwwww!!!!!! A girl!
  8. 2 was weak, 3 was actually pretty fun and a looker, it just wasn’t open world, so fans shit all over it.
  9. I've been gaming like a fiend! I still have the following backlog after clearing Fallen Order, Metro Exodus, and latest Warframe content: 1.) Red Dead Redemption II 2.) Control 3.) Doom Etertnal 4.) FF VII Remake (half way through!) 5.) Nioh II
  10. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1253950/Dreamscaper_Prologue/ What: Free "Prologue" to the full game releasing this summer. The game is an action RPG/Rogue like with plenty of style Where: Currently available on Steam and coming to Switch, so I would guess it would come to all consoles eventually Why: Because its well made,fun, and free!
  11. https://wccftech.com/google-gifts-two-months-of-stadia-pro-subscription-to-everyone/ .............
  12. And the thick crust breads you can make in it are fantastic!
  13. How did this effect your pooping habits?
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