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Court Jester
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Everything posted by Mr.Vic20

  1. Its been pretty peaceful for me. I work remotely now on my projects as there are still several months until the construction phase for any of my projects, so its all design and contract meetings via phone or zoom currently. I have a home gym and a pantry packed with food. We've always cooked our own meals, so nothings changed there. My wife and kids have enjoyed the time off so far and we've been able to do things as a family more often than our usual weeks tend to allow. The day before last, I put my son on a bicycle for the first time. It went predictably poorly, and we had a great time all the same! My wife made a bird feeder with my son and set it up in the yard. Today I finally got my dog "Izzy", who is well known as the world's worst golden retriever, to actually, you know, retrieve a stick! It only took 5 years and a global pandemic, but I think she gets it now! That's what the last two weeks have been, just lots of little, nice moments with my family and mental "different" pet. It has been odd trying to emotionally reconcile that things for me and mine are so nice, quiet, and convenient while others beyond our life are suffering. Earth is an odd experience, full of sharp juxtapositions, this much I know! All the same, that knowledge just sits there like a heavy low rain cloud, a little ways off, but always there and threatening to pour.
  2. Quick reminder #2, she would look right at home standing next to Hilter and Ava Braun!
  3. I enjoyed it! Not really sure where it goes from there, but I see that they have potentially given themselves the option of connection the events of Discovery's plot with Picard's plot.
  4. I purchased this a while ago, and I see I received an update, but the name hasn't changed to Bright Memory Infinite or made another entry in my game library. Does this mean that the "Infinite" version will drop later?
  5. Can you think of a single thing that is currently sadder, I think NOT!
  6. Closest I'm coming to a new GPU anytime soon also confirmed!
  7. Here is a PCGamer Article that explains in a straight forward manner for those that are not overtly tech inclined.
  8. Control is getting patched for DLSS 2.0 on March 26th!
  9. Its likely part of the current Xbox Series X developers SDK, so some time around the next Xbox's launch seems like a good candidate.
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