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Court Jester
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Everything posted by Mr.Vic20

  1. This is a real problem that will set a hurdle in the path of the majority of PC gamers in the short term. I think its great that someone is pushing this forward though! Yes, it makes the PC marked a curious place for the next 24 months, that much is true, but beyond that, hyper fast, closely integrated storage, is a good thing. You're right though, it doesn't make much sense to buy a new PC (assuming the average PC game doesn't upgrade year on year like myself) unless your current rig is abysmally behind the times.
  2. See, my take is that its not so much greed, as it is an all consuming ambition. laden with far too much ego. In other words, I think he has a singular vision of what he wants to achieve and sees any halt to it as a "myopic" resistance to his grand vision. It always seemed to me that his more terrestrial pursuits were simply engines to fuel his grander plans.
  3. Oh, I don't know that to be true. I'll admit up front that I am no Elon Musk biographer, but my general read is that he is an opinionated man child that has a fixed vision that involves space and little else. Has he said things in the past that suggest he cares more for money than Mars?
  4. Oh to be clear, I don't think this kind of tech will work "native" at 4K for anything other than a high end PC or a mid generation console refresh. I think they will use reconstruction to achieve a native 4K look. I be at 4K that demo would have been a stutter fest! That said, what we saw was quite lovely and I think difficult to distinguish from 4K, for most people. Again, to me, the benefit of this approach is rapid game development, even for smaller developers, once a certain hardware bar is met. What I don't expect to see out of this is 4K/60 on consoles. Though for some games/gamers, that might not matter in the least. Personally, it does matter to me and that's why I build a new PC every year.
  5. I guessing that right out of the gate, there has to be a fairly higher "floor" on what GPUs will play well with this geometry schema. On the plus side though, it will take a year or two for most devs to switch to and develop on this new engine in any meaningful way. So by then the next console gen with has its cross gen phase out of the way and the general GPU level on the PC side should have risen. I'd say this approach is more developer friendly than consumer friendly, until you meet a certain hardware threshold. The results are impressive though, so let's hope we're there by 2022! Edit: for small devs, I think lumen is a reasonable alternative to RT.
  6. Most definitely! But what I'm excited about is anything an engine can do to take some portion of workload off of developers. Some of these features will allow smaller devs to continue to compete with "b tier" games, which honestly, often turn out to be some of my favorite games in a given generation!
  7. The implications of dynamic geometry are, frankly, mind blowing!
  8. I've played the "beta" on PC (really its a stand alone tech demo) and its pretty fun! Very impressive for such a tiny team.
  9. That's a fair analysis, and also the most likely outcome. That said, we really need AMD to at least try and get hungry again on the GPU side of things. I selfishly just want them to push RT so that it finally gains wide adoption!
  10. Agreed! I just think people need to accept that we'll be getting a trickle throughout the year. MS has indicated that the software is the current question mark in their launch plans and so I expect things to be announced slowly and that somethings announced might not make it this year.
  11. A little over 200 for a massive layout of Indian food for a family event.
  12. Very impressive and each generation of the Win series is an improvement on the previous, which is not always the case with these kind of devices. Certainly the Icelake based iGPU will help, but of course choosing Doom 2016 is kind of cherry picking the best case scenario for a AAA, as it can be made to run well on just about anything. Still the improvements to the case and controller design and the addition of 16Gb of RAM make this little device a genuine mini-laptop/portable gaming machine in one and not just a novelty. I look for to the first one of these that sports a next gen AMD APU or (finally!) a 7nm intel CPU+Xe iGPU.
  13. Well deserved! Its exciting to see AMD take the lead after all these years! IT feels like the Athlon 64 days all over again! Now do the same for GPUs AMD!
  14. I'm a fan of the new direction, but I get why "purists" of the original AC style feel II was when the series was at its best. I'm pretty excited for Valhalla!
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