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Did somebody say D1Pcast?!

The def star

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Just listened to it while driving around for work.


I do totally agree regarding game of the years.  I'm so far behind on my backlog I hardly play the biggest games each year.  While I played a few games at launch, most games I play years later, especially if they are just single player games with no multiplayer element.  Jedi Fallen Order was the only single player focused game I played at launch and thats because I have EA Premier.


There was some laughter regarding XCloud, and I understand the sentiment about game streaming, especially regarding ISPs.  I must say though, with the recent additions to XCloud this week, I fired it up on my Samsung Galaxy S4 and tried Forza Horizon 4 and Borderlands 2 quickly, and the input lag is was very very small.  I was able to play both very easily streaming it to my tablet.  I'm not sure if Microsoft ever tries to sell the actual visuals or performance on XCloud like Stadia tried to do with the 4k 60fps claims.  Forza Horizon 4 looked good, but def wasn't as good as playing it on the console.  I'm not someone thats screaming for streaming, but with something like Game Pass, where you have hundreds of games you may wanna try out, but may not want to wait to download an entire game for each game you want to try, XCloud will be a great service.  You can instantly fire up any game on Game Pass you're mildly interested in and play it streaming, and if you're into it, download the full game.  I do have really really good high speed internet and a great router at home, so I plan to test it at the wi-fi at my business which is Free Wi Fi for guests, to see how that feels.  


Last thing that stood out was the discussion about PS Now.  I remember articles about PS Now owning 52% of the market share of Sub Services, but that was from like late 2018.  Last year was a pretty huge year for Game Pass, with the addition of PC Game Pass, and the deals MS has had, and some larger 1st Party releases.  PS Now in October claimed to have passed 1 million subscribers, where as there were articles saying Game Pass now had millions of users.  So I think its safe to say the 2018 metrics are probably rather outdated.  PS Now is something I definitely want to check out though as I skipped the PS3.  While looking up some info though, some 1st party games were added to the library, but are only on there for a few months then being removed.  I think Sony needs to commit to having their 1st party added and staying on at some point to gain more traction on the service.

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Another spot where XCloud could see great use is places like Streaming Platforms like Twitch and Mixer.  Games could potentially be designed around the idea that viewers can stream portions of the game to play with the streamers themselves in some way.  Not requiring a game download, but having the ability to instantly play with others and interact with them I think could potentially lead to some cool new ideas.  

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I was also a huge fan of KH but as the years went by without a proper sequel, I lost interest big time and I could not trust the game to be the game I wanted for so long. I spoiled myself ASAP, and decided I am forever done with KH after the spoilers. 

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On 1/22/2020 at 10:09 AM, JPDunks4 said:

Another spot where XCloud could see great use is places like Streaming Platforms like Twitch and Mixer.  Games could potentially be designed around the idea that viewers can stream portions of the game to play with the streamers themselves in some way.  Not requiring a game download, but having the ability to instantly play with others and interact with them I think could potentially lead to some cool new ideas.  

I think as a pack in for people with Gamepass ultimate it's great value. Using the beta makes me realize how cool it is to pop out my phone at my brothers house and start playing Ori or Forza. It's not perfect but being able to play all my games where I am is awesome.

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