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Prince Harry Wants ‘Fortnite’ Banned


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Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, is calling for the ban of popular battle royale game “Fortnite,” according to The Daily Express.


The prominent member of the British royal family visited a YMCA in West London and spoke to mental health experts about addictive games and social media, saying that the latter is more addictive than drugs or alcohol.


Prince Harry specifically called out Epic Games’ “Fortnite,” saying, “The game shouldn’t be allowed.”


“It’s created to addict,” he said. “An addiction to keep you in front of a computer for as long as possible. It’s so irresponsible.”


“Fortnite” was recently the target of a lawsuit for its loot boxes, which some have accused of being predatory and addictive in the past. And, “gaming disorder” is anticipated to pass as an addition to the International Classification of Diseases at next month’s World Health Assembly.


Prince Harry urges parents to take action and have their children interact more with the outside world, while also acknowledging that many parents don’t know how to solve the dilemma.


“Parents have got their hands up – they don’t know what to do about it,” he said. “It’s like waiting for the damage to be done.”


The Duke also emphasized the dangers of reliance on social media to form connections.


“It’s more dangerous because it’s normalized and there are no restrictions to it,” Prince Harry said, referring to social media. “We are in a mind-altering time.”


“Without that human connection, when you do have a problem you have nowhere to go,” he continued. “The only place you might go is online and you will probably end up getting bullied.”


The call just weeks after an Oxford researcher warned that a stronger reaction to fears of gaming addiction was coming.


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While I'm 100% fine with Fortnite ceasing to exist, I would prefer it happen naturally and without government interference. 


The games aren't the problem, it's the parents refusing to be the bad guys. When I was a kid my mom's favorite word was "no." Miraculously, somehow I grew up understanding that I didn't need everything, and that I would survive if I sometimes didn't get what I wanted.


I also learned how to sit at a table and eat dinner like a fucking civilized human being.

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Well Prince Harry take his nice little royal crown and clean it really nice with his little clean cloth soft as a button cape. Shine it really good so he can see his reflection in the gold. The he can grab it, turn that sunovbitch side ways and stick it up his royal snobbish CANDY ASS!

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my son definitely had an addiction....hes 7.  all his buddies were on and they played constantly. he would rage, cry, jump up and down for joy, all of the emotions. 


then his school provided us information on an app for the ipad called reflex math. now my son is addicted to playing math games on his ipad. 


this is great. however...now when hes being a little fucking bastard... threatening to take away his xbox and tv doesnt work. and if i threaten to take away his ipad... im actually preventing him for learning in way that he finds extremely fun. its quite the dilemma. 

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