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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. Couple of miles running in the ‘little bit too hot, but not to the point of dying’ sun. Also did a few hill sprints after the first mile to really make it horrible. Hoping tomorrow to do a short jog for a warm up, then 25 minutes of body weight work, then collect daughter and home. Hopefully!
  2. I didn’t expect anything and I ended up with a homemade card and two books (History of Hobbits and History of the Battles of Middle Earth).
  3. I mean really, we should have done that - but if we can polish it off within a week, trade in will still be high and will work out at about £8 each…which we’d pay to see something at the cinema. That’s the justification any way.
  4. Still trying to work this out. Ideally, I want to do three fitness sessions a week (long run, shorter - but faster - run and a horrific interval run) and then 2 body weight sessions. With 59 hours of work, a toddler and actually having a life makes it all tricky. Then Rugby pre-season kicks off in July, so need to factor that in as well.
  5. The Quarry - I enjoy Supermassive games so, so much.
  6. I played it with podcasts the entire time and it was brilliant. It made it feel more authentic for how I’d experience the situation (which I know sounds very silly). I also played it during the first, UK Lockdown and it resonated strongly due to that.
  7. I love a quick crossword, there’s something really satisfying about that feeling of recall - even when it doesn’t matter in the slightest.
  8. I’ve been picking up the paper the last few days (I know…) and have enjoyed, along with some news and sport, the puzzles. I’ve smashed through a few Sukdoku, World wheels, word searches and crosswords, then the other day, there was a cryptic crossword. My dad used to finish The Times cryptic crossword when he was waiting for me to finish rugby training and I have no fucking idea how. I’ve read a few articles and there barely seems to be a rule set. Sometimes it might be an anagram, sometimes one word is a clue, the rest being clues but not clues, sometimes it’s working out parts of each word definition to make a new word…madness. But I want to actually have a crack at one and apparently the best way to learn is from other people, sooo…
  9. Which is the better game, Valhalla or Ghost of Tsushima?
  10. Spoiler’d because I feel bad.
  11. No, which is funny on reflection as I was so pro-mask during peak pandemic. We were told however, that there was little point in testing, so through that, it led to me not overly caring. If I become I’ll, I’ll treat it as such, if I’m healthy, I’ll enjoy the freedom. I may change my tune at winter time though.
  12. I own The Witcher 3 on the PS4 (with all DLC) and on the Switch (base game). They were both for my wife, not me. I’ve played maybe…half? I think? So, what would you play on? PS4 with everything, but you have to stay with the TV, or Switch, where you could play anywhere, have the telly on etc It’s only 6 weeks till the summer holidays, so I need to get my entertainment ducks in a row.
  13. Brother Bear: I’ve never watched this before, but daughter woke up at 4.50 this morning, so a film seemed like a good idea. It was much better than I remember it reviewing, tho if h the story sort of just…resolves and ends without enough effort. That said, like every movie now that has anything sad, I nearly went.
  14. Wife is on Cyberpunk, I’ll be playing some Kirby once the child falls asleep.
  15. Saw the new Dr Strange at the cinema, liked it, never loved it. Watched the latest Matrix film last night, I found it silly fun at the start, but then not much happens and then it’s over. Felt more like a 6 part TV series would have been more appropriate.
  16. Listening to their ‘introduction’ website. I hope that they end up with Jan and Jeff on the majority of the time. The updated approach to web content sounds good - but not for me. Chances are, I won’t be a listener for much longer and will be off looking for something new!
  17. I would need to give, I think, 6 weeks? It might even be more than that.
  18. We teach it over here as a learned skill - clearly it’s not worked. It is interesting about why the country cares, I think it ties in strongly with British values and the communal spirit of the initial lockdown, then it was blended with a good bit of social/mainstream media fury - and the fact as a country we are small, politics still can feel very personal. To the point my bosses, bosses, boss is one of the key cabinet members of the current government. It all feels very ‘close’. Also, as a government they’ve performed shockingly and this is a wonderful excuse to rage against that particular political machine.
  19. So, there’s a chance that we may see the demise of Johnson today. Sadly, I think he’ll survive a vote if no confidence, but even now, can he really be a leader with a divided party?
  20. I always feel so disappointed when they have the English guy on, he has such an irritating voice, to the point I’m not listening this week.
  21. Kirby and OoT today. I’m also going to be a good husband and on the last day of my holiday, with my wife at work, I’ll download any CP2077 updates so she can get back into it on our, now, not horrifically loud PS4.
  22. Ditto. I’m also good at carrying things so I could do that.
  23. Hopefully someone high up in education where I can have influence, work-life balance and a reasonable ride into retirement.
  24. Biting my nails. I’m much better at not doing it now, but when I’m stressed, then I can say goodbye to them.
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