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Everything posted by elbobo

  1. problem is that requires me to know what I want and not just impulsively buy something because it is on sale how long are these flash sales?
  2. Punisher Season 2 probably the best paced marvel show, all the plots moved along and didn't feel like they were there to just fill time. 8/10 Goblin Slayer I have no idea why people think this is a good series, generic as fuck characters and action. No unexpected developments or plot moments. Also it is SUPER rapey, like this is the best way to describe me watching some scenes 3/10
  3. mine did too but I paid significantly less through out the year because of the lowered brackets, I came out ahead when all is said and done.
  4. A hit job doesn't have to force someone out just make them and by extension the party look bad
  5. I wonder if she will show at the state of the union just to piss off the haters
  6. It is definitely not a right wing hit job either, looking through her twitter she is way left.
  7. he just taking examples so he makes sure he gets the skin tone right next time
  8. yeah but you have to pay them double what you would anywhere else just so they can afford rent
  9. I hold the opinion that the original twilight zone is the most timeless television show that will ever exist, it was great 60 years ago, and most of them are still great today. Find me any other show that holds up nearly as well.
  10. First Man Good movie but has the challenge from and acting and directing stand point of trying to make a hyper straight laced engineer into an interesting character, even if you are doing the most amazing thing a human being has ever done keeping it honest with the true events and person puts you in a bit of a corner. 8/10
  11. whatever they used for Worf's make up in the TNG movies looked fine on the big screen and bluray so it should have worked too for discovery in 4k
  12. I can't believe they didn't fix the klingon teeth or mouth appliances between seasons, it is clear that the actors still struggle to speak in the makeup. They can obviously do amazing looking full scale makeup and have the actor be able to enunciate because Saru is probably the most precise speaking character on show, now that is Doug Jones who is essentially the Michael Jordan of acting in full makeup but still
  13. Did not like this week's at all and the directing was terrible with the constant camera rotations and craning around, just a needlessly busy mess.
  14. Their Columbia trip had surprisingly few disasters by the standards of their typical excursions.
  15. If the Russians have already been in violation of the treaty what is the point of us staying in it?
  16. has anyone ever seen an unattractive pharmaceutical sales rep? I swear it must be the best looking profession outside of actual models.
  17. -20 here with windchill which is cold but not unheard of for us, about half the school districts closed. I only remember them closing because of cold once when I was a kid and we had to get down to -45
  18. each of those shows have their own rosters for the most part though, RAW people aren't showing up on Smackdown and vice versa. I guarantee you could drop 20% of the raw and smackdown rosters and never even notice and that is not even taking into account the number of people in NXT that could have been called up years ago. WWE has a ton of people under contract solely for the purpose of making sure they don't go to a competing fed.
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