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Everything posted by elbobo

  1. yeah beyond was at best a disappointment if not full on flop and the 4th movie would have seen big pay increases for the cast. Trek movies don't need to be massive budget summer block busters. First Contact easily the best of the TNG movies was made on a budget of 45,000,000 that is about 72,000,000 in today's money. Beyond's budget was 185,000,000
  2. https://io9.gizmodo.com/star-trek-discoverys-version-of-the-enterprise-had-to-1825276401 it is really weird stuff like the Enterprise has to look 25% different from the TOS look and people are assuming that this may have been what led to at least some of the other style changes in the series, obviously some of them were just intentional updating 50 year old designs/effects.
  3. a section 31 show could be cool but I don't want one set during the discovery/TOS era, one set immediately post dominion war would have a ton of potential
  4. remerging could solve some Discovery's issues, seems like a lot of the changes are mandated legally by the separation between CBS and Viacom
  5. I started playing Witcher 3 a couple weeks and it is stupidly huge. I feel like I have barely touched the main quest. So a more compact(physically) world doesn't sound bad to me.
  6. Beyond was my favorite of the new films, it was just a good dumb fun. Into Darkness was horrible
  7. Murder Mountain Netflix is producing some really good crime documentaries. We had Wild Wild Country and now this documentary about marijuana farmers in rural CA. It is interesting how seemingly lawless that area was until just a year or two ago. 8/10 psychokinesis Korean movie about a guy that telekinetic powers and tries to help his estranged daughter. Decent but nothing special. 6/10
  8. White Boy Rick Breaks the rule of these rise to success criminal stories by not having a likable or at least interesting main character, I just didn't care about what happened to any one in this movie. 4/10
  9. Assassination Nation This is the first movie I ever felt really old and out of touch while it watching. The last 3rd has some good stuff but it takes too long to get there 5/10
  10. they are just going to buy a $600 LED from walmart or target which will honestly still provide a solid picture nowadays
  11. The house can do their own investigation separate of the DoJ. I'm not positive but I think the DoJ could classify all of the Meuller findings so they would have to start over but the house could appoint all of Mueller's crew so it wouldn't really be a set back.
  12. even if Trump completely shuts down the investigation the House can just open it up again on their end and the executive branch will have zero influence over it
  13. Everything Sucks! A rip off of Freaks and Geeks down to the main kids being in AV club except it set in the 90s which the show will remind you of every 5 seconds in the first few episodes. The two main characters have some solid development but everyone else is just along for the ride. I was in high school the same time as these characters so this should be a nostalgia trip for me but it just throws the 90s at the screen instead of letting it be a backdrop on which to tell the story. 5/10 Babylon Berlin season 1 I feel like this show is a halfstep from being a masterpiece, it can reach out and touch it at times but then falls frustratingly back. The club scenes especially the one in episode 2 are phenomenal and almost other worldly. The setting is unique, I don't think I have ever seen another show or movie set in the Weimar republic prior to Hitler's real rise to power. Charlotte is a great character and the actress is infectious. The subplots are just not quite connected enough and as soon as the show gains traction it switches to a seemingly unrelated and much less interesting plot or character. Frustrations aside this a great show and you should check it out. I listened to the original german with subtitles. 8.5/10
  14. even it is covering 50% for a large portion of that 600,000 and all for a little bit that is still a VERY low amount to be paying for a plan. That would be a great monthly rate let alone for the whole year.
  15. $100,000,000 for 600,000 people; that is $167 per person, what the hell kind of insurance can you get for that price?
  16. My friend and I watched it last night and both agreed it was an interesting experiment that just didn't work as an episode of television or movie
  17. This is what I have been waiting for might wait till next year to pick it up because I will need a HDMI 2.1 compatible GPU and receiver. If you are interested in these TVs LGs usually hit the market around April and drop in price through the year bottoming out around black friday to Christmas time.
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