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Everything posted by elbobo

  1. hbomax subscriptions are on sale right now. $105 for a year ad free, that comes out to $8.75 per month
  2. I was on a 3 year cycle but I will probably be switching to a 4 year going forward. At 3.5 years old this phone still performs fine for what I do with it just has a shit battery.
  3. My galaxy s10 soldiers on but I have to use a battery case now
  4. Moonfall You know it is going to be dumb you are unprepared for how catastrophically dumb it really is, just a true achievement in awful and not so bad its funny to laugh at just so so bad. 1/10
  5. Uncharted Based on the both professional and audience reviews I was expecting this to be a lot worse than it was. Outside of the major casting mistakes of Nate and Sully it was about what you think an Uncharted movie would be, they are great games but I don't think anyone is expecting them to translate into high art on the big screen. 6/10
  6. Orville - New Horizons The move to streaming was a mixed bag IMO. Clearly had a bump in the budget and fewer episodes allowed for increased production values on a per episode basis. They also were allowed to do longer episodes which unfortunately for most of the plots was unnecessary and it always felt like there was a scene or two that could be cut from almost any episode. I think Seth Macfarlane has finally accepted the fact that he is a bad actor and allowed the rest of the cast to have more screen time this season. One surprising change was the almost complete lack of humor this season outside the last episode. The first season was a mess with dick and fart jokes and modern day pop culture references that were totally out of place. Second season they wisely changed it up to make the humor more culture clash based and it worked really well most of the time, this season had almost nothing aside from a few one liners from Bortus who remains the MVP of the show. 7/10
  7. This is from 1972 Xerox was 10 years ahead of anyone else and we are talking about 10 years in the computer industry, that is like 3 lifetimes and they did nothing with it. Pretty much everything from the mother of all tech demos that occurred a few years earlier is here in commercial ready package. Again this was 1972 Xerox Alto - Wikipedia EN.WIKIPEDIA.ORG The Mother of All Demos - Wikipedia EN.WIKIPEDIA.ORG
  8. Ted Lasso season 1 and 2 Walks the line of having just acres of heart without getting overly saccharine even though Ted can be half step below Ned Flanders at points in terms of his niceness. My spirit animal is a combination of 75% coach beard and 25% Roy Kent. 9/10
  9. The Northman I was not a fan of the mysticism elements and thought they really detracted from the rest of movie, I understand why they were in there to not make it paint by number revenge film but they just didn't work for me. 5/10 The unbearable weight of massive talent Nic Cage being a caricature or how knows maybe real Nic Cage is entertaining. This movie is not quite what the trailers made it out to be though. A good time was had though. 7/10
  10. Put about 5 hours into Evil Genius 2. I typically like these builder/management type games but this one the systems just don't work well together. The base building is separate from the income earning portion of the game and it makes for a muddled mess. Really disappointed in this one. Going to start Deathloop next.
  11. Ambulance Michael Bay got a camera drone and by god he was going to use it. This movie is exactly what you would expect it to be. The helicopter scene in the LA river was wild, honestly the best stunt flying since Terminator 2 probably, can't believe they got permission/insurance to do that scene. 6/10
  12. For ages now but he keeps doubling down on the shaky cam, zoom in and out, and cutting every second
  13. Selling the company is almost assuredly his number one goal. The first thing he should do is fire Kevin Dunn and put in anyone that will direct the show like they are not having a seizure, I say this with no hyperbole that WWE is literally unwatchable to me now because of the camera work.
  14. This looks very "ehhh I guess I'll watch it at some point" and I play D&D every week
  15. 3090 already on sale for 999.99, dropped a lot faster than I expected ZOTAC GAMING GeForce RTX 3090 Trinity OC WWW.WOOT.COM ZOTAC GAMING GeForce RTX 3090 Trinity OC
  16. Star Trek Strange New Worlds Best first season of Trek since TOS and it maybe beats it but has the advantage of only having to put out 10 episodes so they can focus on quality instead of quantity. Great cast in terms of characters and actors, excellent production values and it has the proper Trek adventure spirit to it where it can have serious plots without being excessively dark. My only complaints are Spock continuing to be the center of the Star trek universe at Skywalker levels of importance and also I did not like the Gorn being straight up monsters that hunt and eat everyone they come across. 9/10
  17. literally every change from the comics has been for the best. This show will be held up as the prime example of deviating from the source material for the better.
  18. upstate NY, it was very much a starter home. 1000sqft and needed updating but structural and mechanically fine I paid 95,000 for it in 2011 and sold it for 115,000 in 2017 after putting about 15k into it. Looking at online estimates which who knows how accurate those are it is currently worth 165,000-180,000 which is crazy IMO.
  19. average new car price has hit $47,000 in the US. That is half of what I paid for my first house only 10 years ago. Monthly car payments have crossed a record $700. What that means WWW.NPR.ORG The average cost of a new car is also at the highest on record, topping $47,000 a pop. At this rate, an essential household purchase is starting to feel like a luxury in America.
  20. Outside of the whole Russia plot which felt like a completely unnecessary distraction it was a good season.
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