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Everything posted by elbobo

  1. Those drones can be operated from the continental US with Ukrainian "pilots" sitting in the drone facility, I'm sure the US service members in there as well would just be advising them on what to do.
  2. Nightmare Alley First third is just ok but the rest was great. The lighting in this film is extremely well done and if you have boner for art deco like I do you are in for a treat. 8.5/10
  3. new trek has not been good to say the least and that cast is old but fuck it give me all the nostalgia. I really hope Stewart stops playing Picard as so feeble and old, yes I know one of the points of the series is that Picard has gotten old but he has lost almost all his commanding presence and gravitas that used to have.
  4. Mayor of Kingstown I was not expecting a show about prison to be happy go lucky experience but this show is just excessively miserable with zero likable characters and plot lines/moments that get increasingly unbelievable and stupid as it goes along. 3/10
  5. Bought these in my freshman year of college back in spring of 2000 with my tax return money, they were the absolute god kings of computer speakers back then. They made it 22 years including some obnoxiously loud listening during college. Had a power surge a week ago and they are completely distorted now, thankfully the rest of my gear was not affected, what a run though.
  6. Went and saw Hamilton in Syracuse NY yesterday. 3000 seat venue that was of course sold our, only people masked were a portion of the elderly.
  7. better question would be can Russia continue to feed troops and supplies into those areas that are going to get increasingly insurgent with ever passing day.
  8. Star Trek Discovery season 4 Best season yet but that is an extremely low bar to clear. The last couple of episodes were really good Trek though with first contact with an extremely alien alien although it aped a lot from Arrival, if they focus on those style of plots going forward it would be for the best. Book got absolutely character assassinated in the back half of the season and became a complete idiot. 6/10 The Adam Project Paint by the numbers fine and completely forgettable as expected from a netflix movie. There was a genuinely sweet moment at the end though that got my finance choked up. 6.5/10
  9. The US Airforce struggles to maintain an aircraft operational rate of around 70% even with its massive budget and planes like the B-1 and F-22 are usually at a 50%. Not hard to imagine the Russians have a much lower rate than that. The Russians might have a lot planes but I'm guessing not many of them are combat capable.
  10. Maybe it just me being old or something but does anyone else find this entire situation entirely surreal? Everything from one European country invading another in 2022 to the seemingly half hearted/incompetent nature of the invasion. Also you have the fact that nowadays literally everyone is essentially an imbedded reporter. Then you have that molotov video of people walking down the sidewalk on the cell phones like life is normal while there is street fighting going on.
  11. Only Murders in the Building Came out of no where for me, liked it a lot. The fact that Steve Martin can still do physical comedy in his mid 70s is impressive. 8.5/10 Reacher Overall it was dumb fun entertainment but Reacher is most Mary Sue character I have come across in years. 7/10
  12. The King's Man Outside of one memorable scene this movie was just not very good, the other films in the franchise despite not being cinematic masterpieces at least had some fun elements to them or creative action scenes this one is just there. 4.5/10
  13. that makes sense, I was reading online that there were only 9 episodes, guess they were referring to how many were released.
  14. Yellowjackets This might the show I disagree with the critics the most on. I just didn't like it, the supernatural plot that lurks mostly in the background of most of the show is a major detriment to the series, should have just kept it a survival story. Acting is fine to good, wasn't a fan of some of the directing though. 4/10 Vox Machina I was worried this might happen but I think Arcane has ruined animated series for me, having 6 years to make a season of television and an immense budget will kind of do that. Vox is fine for the most part although it ends in a weird place, not even like a cliff hanger just an end of an episode. 6.5/10
  15. I just looked up my friend who I was talking about earlier in this thread. He makes 63k a year with 15 years experience all in the same school district. This is in Rochester NY. No where near worth it.
  16. I have a friend that has taught in a not good part of the city here for almost 15 years, he is just about ready to call it quits. They just had a mini-riot today with suspended students AND their parents trying to get into to school to fight students, no arrests made. I don't blame him one bit for being fed up, what is even the point if the district/city won't attempt to protect you.
  17. The triumph and tragedy of being a bills fan. It would have been nice if their God damn fucking number 1 rated defense showed up at all.
  18. The Eternals Impressive combination of being and mess and completely forgettable at the same time. Easily the worst MCU movie and I find most MCU films to be just "fine" 3/10
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