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Everything posted by Bitgod

  1. Playing other classes. First dude was a techno, made a chick trickster when I liked a lot but I'm having trouble dealing with captains, can't kill them fast enough. Haven't done any research on the game like farming tips n stuff.
  2. I hate myself that I'm still playing this, especially when I got 3 new games I bought during xmas sales waiting for me. 4 if I want to count my unfinished Cyberpunk. LOLOLOLOL yeah. But I have a looty shooty addiction. Heh, even Anthem couldn't get me to play doe.
  3. I like the orchestral music that I heard early in the game and I like Shira's voice, only cuz it sounds kinda like the late Mira Furlan to me.
  4. Holy crap, I just noticed there isn't even any text chat. wtf. This game needs more baking. Ugh, I'd be tempted to buy this just because I'm in the mood, but things like no chat or just how friggen bullet sponge-y this game is, and I never had a problem with that in Destiny or Division, is crazy. I hate using ARs or SMGs for close range. I'd rather stick to shotguns which can kill quicker or LMGs, which at least have the large capacity to not dedicate a mag per kill.
  5. I wish it was on PC GP doe. I just started the demo cuz I'm a fan of Bulletstorm, so I thought I'd try it. There's a lot a like and a lot that's rough. Will probably be more interested for $30 and hope it stays alive long enough to be worth it. Also nice that it has generally low system requirements.
  6. I liked it. Shrug. There's a couple of scenes I wouldn't have minded cutting out and saving 5 minutes, but it blows my mind there's a version of the movie with barely any of the Joe Morton character and less Cyborg. I'm not totally crazy with the character design, but if he didn't have a full arc, what's the use of bringing him in? Anyway, it's better than CATS.
  7. Man, this thread died in the first sentence. Cuz Chronicles of Riddick is awesome. Anything with Karl Urban is one of the best movies ever made. Even Doom.
  8. Hmm, only seen 2 of the top 5. I have a copy of Audition, that was one of my rare blind buys. Honestly thought it was pretty meh. Eh, looks like I'm 5 out of Top 10. Eraserhead has always been #1 for me. I've seen Serbian Film more times than Eraserhead. Though I'd probably watch it again before Requiem for a Dream, because Requiem is dead boring. Except for the very last scene.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_ybl3W76uY
  10. I wonder if N7 day is Nov. 7? I wouldn't be interested in buying it until people have gotten their hands on it and I can hear what's improved. I had reinstalled ME2 a few months back and downloaded a bunch of add-ons on it to improve the graphics, so we'll see if it's worth it.
  11. Never got around to watching these, I'll just start DLing them. Just watched Chud. Man, I had a copy of his first book, I hope it's buried in my closet somewhere and not in the family storage unit that is long gone.
  12. I want to like it cuz I'm a ST fan, and I love seeing all the species, but I can't watch more of it. If they got rid of the lead female character, I'd like the show more. "Fuck ya'll, I'll do what I want" is fine for Bart Simpson, not for Star Fleet.
  13. https://www.humblebundle.com/books/star-trek-adventures-rpg-modiphius-books?hmb_source=navbar&hmb_medium=product_tile&hmb_campaign=tile_index_6 If anyone was curious about that game. Sort of a weird system, in that you have to roll low, but you get used to it. Haven't played, just watched people play on streams.
  14. I just got done watching the first season of The Alienist, which I liked. So I'll have to work on season 2 now. Also watching Umbrella.
  15. Lemme know when it's hacked to play Doom on it.
  16. https://kotaku.com/psp-owners-check-your-batteries-1844527676 Now I need to go find mine and check it.
  17. I forgot that new Penny Dreadful was on, so I've been watching that too, and it's F'ing confusing watching both shows at the same time because they're so similar.
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