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Everything posted by Bitgod

  1. I dunno, I'm starting to hate this game cuz I just can't get past WT 6. The death penalty is just too high for me.
  2. https://imgur.com/V9PtXQK<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="V9PtXQK"><a href="https://imgur.com/V9PtXQK">View post on imgur.com</a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
  3. Trick to pause the game if you have to get away IRL. This is for nVidia PCs only. Solo Players With Nvidia GPUs Can Pause Always-Online Outriders KOTAKU.COM Outriders is an always-online game that you can play entirely solo. Normally, you can’t pause it even when alone. But a clever PC player figured out a way to pause the game using their Nvidia GPU. TLDR; using the Ansel feature of the drivers, hit Alt+F2 to enter it and it'll pause the game.
  4. And throw in some goddamn Bulletstorm. Actually, this almost makes me want to fire up the Bulletstorm remake that I got on sale, but I have so many games to play.
  5. Fuck that lava spider man. First 2 phases are drag enough, 3rd phase is one-shot. I'm never getting to WT 7.
  6. Now I want someone to make Pepe Le Pew dressed as a droog.
  7. A few good tidbits. Also, don't forget to go into your options and turn the auto loot option in the Gameplay section down to common, so it'll grab all the drops. Early on, you'll still want greys just for materials or money. I'm sure down the road, you might want to turn it up if you don't want to pick up greys or greens.
  8. 1. Dead Cells 2. Dead Cells 3. Dead Cells 4. a Castlevania game 5. Bloodstained
  9. I'm torn on if I wish the game paused while in a menu, like some people want. I'd like the ability to pause if real life interrupts, but I can see not letting you constantly switch weapons like Borderlands lets you. But I also miss that. If I get a new weapon and I try it and and decide I don't like it, I either have to live with it until I clear the area or risk popping into the inventory to switch weapons.
  10. Reminder, there's some new options in the menus. There's a cinematics FPS option, and it defaults to 30, so you'll want to bump that to 60 at least, and under Gameplay there's a "Cinematic Camera Smoothing" option, which apparently you can adjust the camera bump that some people hate. I'm shrug about it, I'll probably leave it at default for now.
  11. Sounds like they're having server issues. Bah. I logged in fine, then bailed out cuz I wanted to set something up. Now I can't get back in.
  12. Awww, they moved the goalpost a little. Recommended was a 1060 6GB before. 1070 is more realistic, I was on the edge of 60fps with a 1060. Oh, I notice they say "high preset" for recommended now, I was running at Ultra before, I think. Course that was probably DX11 before since apparently the demo defaulted to that. Man, wouldn't that be a pisser if the final game ran a lot different than the demo, that's be a screwjob.
  13. New GeForce drivers, Steam pre-load is live. Just got my key from GMG. I assume uninstall the demo first?
  14. Yeah, cuz of Pyro's first 3 powers, only the 3rd one is an interrupt, which I figured might be a problem with bosses.
  15. Made the pyro tonight, I'm not liking it. I'm dying too much. Either cuz I took a few days off, or more likely I just don't like the powers. I feel like I'm having to work too much to fit them in. I had my best period when I just went back to a long range shooter with a bolt action and use the powers only when getting rushed, which doesn't feel fun to me. So my main will be one of the close combat ones.
  16. I took at look at it in the steam store when I saw someone in my timeline had it. I give them credit for making a game that seems game first, sex second. Which is funny, because that's apparently one of the complaints about it.
  17. finally done with my devastator and now I'm conflicted on what I want for my main. I love the trickster's temporal blade, but I love my devastator's reflect bullets. I'll have to make a pyro next just to try them all.
  18. Ugh, not sure about the devastator. Kind liked it, but the third power ain't doing much for me, and now I'm getting stuck on the captain on the way to the solar tower. Mainly though cuz it seems to be glitching. This captain seems a lot more powerful than the other 2 times I ran through this, and I end up "killing" him, and and he turns into a red blob, it just sits there, and then he comes back at full strength. Which is some bullshit.
  19. Yeah, didn't have the 4th power yet. Kinda sad I didn't play when golds dropped more. I farmed a little bit today with my trickster, but I won't spend too much time doing it, bores me. Gonna probably roll a devastator next.
  20. Finally watching some videos on this, just looked at their post-campaign video. It's weird, some basic things (CHAT) are missing, but other things they've done seem a response to other games. The post-campaign expeditions almost feel like Division 2 DLC stuff, but without having to pay for DLC.
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