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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. this here. add in that we're talking about a birth _rate_ women making the choice to merely delay having children alone can manifest itself into lower population for a country over a long enough period even if every woman is having the same number of children as a previous generation
  2. This show is great so far but will be a failure if OLD TOM BOMBADIL A MERRY FELLOW BRIGHT BLUE HIS JACKET IS AND HIS BOOTS ARE YELLOW does not make an appearance
  3. This is the meteorological equivalent of stealing valor
  4. The discourse is going to get more stupid from here now, it is possible
  5. It’s better when you use decent fried chicken! when I worked there I hated making it
  6. China’s Economic Slump Bodes Ill for Birth Numbers WWW.WSJ.COM Some demographers expect China’s population to decline as soon as this year as young people delay starting families But it’s not just China so not a lingering effect of one child! The U.S. is set to stabilize around 400million by 2100 for context
  7. Time and continued educational polarization will do it by mid next decade or so
  8. There was a string of break in here last year or so where the city had a series of psas reminding people to not leave their firearms in their unlocked cars.
  9. I just looked up the composition of the 11th circuit and it’s not great! Don’t forget the tweet immediately preceding
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