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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. None, Labor Day was right there and that’s the biggest mattress sale holiday there is
  2. They fucked it up (could have really used about 2 points right now)
  3. Scotus blog more like scotus stenographer like the law exists above mere politics
  4. “I’m pretending to not know my rulings are political, so I can complain that my institution is losing political legitimacy”
  5. I mean you can shift generation capacity (and it happens all the time) and there are more options for doing so on the large eastern and western interconnects especially compared to Texas (and there are limits on this as well like a loss of voltage over long distances) but that absolutely doesn’t preclude you from cutting off big chunks of the grid or having them cut off for you (read: natural disaster)
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