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Everything posted by ort

  1. Both Tron movies are quite bad. I have a soft spot for the first one, since I decided it was cool when I was like 7 or 8... and I absolutely adore the visual effects and aesthetics of the movie, like a LOT. But yeah, it's boring, and weird and sloppy and really not a good flick. It's just not. Legacy is kinda in the same boat. I LOVE the soundtrack and like the new visuals a lot... but I think the script is a pile of rancid dookie and while it looks cool, the whole movie is really just a dumpster fire with a very nice coat of paint on it. Who is asking for a third one? Wasn't Legacy a big flop? I would be surprised if Daft Punk returned. I feel like it's not something they would do again.
  2. https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/10/media/tucker-carlson-writer-blake-neff/index.html I guess I'll put this in this thread. Here's a shocker, Tucker Carlson's head writer is a racist piece of shit.
  3. My wife is from Peru so we've always had Goya stuff. We have multiple bottles of Sazon and used it in the past, but it's not really a thing we use now. It really is like 50% MSG. My wife always says that when she was growing up, they basically put Sazon on everything. Meh, I don't give enough of a crap about any of this to boycott anything. Whatever.
  4. It's so funny how much time right wingers spend defending this yahoo and Michael Flynn. It really shows just how far down the insane Trump path they've all gone. It's pathetic and every single one of them is a coward with no morality. Screw them all. Has a Democrat with similar status ever been arrested and then had the entire party defend and rally behind them?
  5. I like how the Goya guy is saying that the outrage is hypocritical because he also met with Obama and there was no backlash. Hmmm, I wonder what the difference is. Maybe because Trump is so unfuckingbelievably bad at being president that simply praising him is controversial? I like how the right wing always points shit like this out like some sorta big gotcha. It's not a gotcha, Trump really does simply suck that bad. Simply associating with him makes you one of the bad guys. He really is that bad. The whole argument crumbles into dust when you accept the reality that Donald Trump is a total fucking nightmare and like every single rationally thinking person in the world hates him and everything about him.
  6. I want to see him try to pass the citizenship test live on TV. I also want to see him take a grade school level religion test live on TV to show his shit-brained hobgoblin fuckwit conservative christian followers just how fucking much the devil they elected cares about any of their shit.
  7. Trump should drop that loser Pence and make Kanye his VP. He's gonna lose anyway, why not maximize the shitshow.
  8. Tucker Carlson is basically a demon from hell put on this planet to spread hate and evil. He's the worst motherfucker imaginable. Just a squirming vile rancid husk of a man. He should go back to his mansion and shove Swanson frozen meals up his ass until he dies.
  9. Be sure to read his two op-ed pieces linked in that article. I like how he continually refers to the protestors as "children of darkness" and refers to the "good guys" as "children of light". Both read like they were written by an insane ranting homeless weirdo. This man was a top level government official? This man was a general in charge of people? Truly terrifying.
  10. https://www.salon.com/2020/07/06/mike-flynn-swears-allegiance-to-qanon-in-fourth-of-july-video/ Here's the right wing's favorite criminal Michael Flynn pledging allegiance to Qanon. Seems perfectly normal.
  11. The very idea that a single second of time would be spent talking about a fucking statue when there are 50,000 new cases of COVID19 daily and the whole country is shut down... I mean, what in the ACTUAL FUCK IS HAPPENING HERE. This man is a total disaster. If you went back in time and described this to someone, it would make no sense. FUCK Donald Trump. FUCK the Republican Party. And FUCK every person who voted for this monster. What is even happening.
  12. Yeah, it's funny, because that's probably the most I've ever paid for a video game and also probably the most I've played a single video game. Broken down by the hour it might be the best bargain ever. I think I may have paid $90 after tax. The internet seems to think it went for $70 on release, but that $90 price tag is really something I remember quite clearly and talked about for years afterwards. I'm not sure.
  13. I think it was $90 if I remember right... (Looking around I might be remembering wrong, but for some reason that number is burned in my brain) I definitely got $90 bucks worth of entertainment from that game though, that's for damn sure.
  14. I remember the revival being fine. It wasn't breaking any new ground or anything, but it wasn't a dumpster fire. They should have Beavis and Butthead as adults and make the show about their kids. Or something. Maybe make a new show with new things... although, I guess we have plenty of new shows, so whatever. I'll watch this.
  15. The GOP won't abandon Trump until he loses or it's 100% obvious he's going to lose. Then their retreat will be so fast and hilarious... but we can never forget where they stood during all of this. By supporting Trump these last few years they've all proven beyond a reasonable doubt that they stand for nothing and have zero morals. They can't just toss Trump in the trash and forget it never happened. They stood with Trump and they all need to have that stigma with them forever. It should be like when an actor wins an Oscar and they are forever branded "Oscar Winner". Just like we would introduce an actor like... "And now, Oscar Winner Christoph Waltz..." We should also say... (even if it's 10 years from now and Trump is dead, and he's speaking at something that has NOTHING to do with Trump, and has since abandoned and denounced Trump): "Introducing Trump Supporter Lindsey Graham..."
  16. Is there a more reprehensible piece of total shit fuck faced fucker face than Matt Fucking Gaetz? What a fucking loser that guy is. I've never seen a more punchable face or personality. I was watching this possum nipple on Fox News the other day. What a sniveling little shit. He stands for nothing, he's just a disgusting opportunist who will obey his overlords. His politics is nothing. He believes in nothing other than making himself rich and rubbing it in the faces of others.
  17. I also like to gawk at the comments sections on conservative news sites. Are there any comments sections on major left-leaning news sources? What would be considered the Fox News comments section for liberals? Anyone have a good comparable? I'm always stunned at how hateful and vile they are and how the number one media outlet in the entire country allows that garbage on their website. It's like you read the article, which speaks in coded and guarded language and then you get to the comments to just see the raw exposed Id of the conservative mind. Fox knows what a dumpster fire it is. Even with heavy moderation to remove all the calls for murder and uses of the N-word, it's still a rancid pit of ignorant hate and lies. And they just let it go. They know what it is, what is has been and what it always will be and they are giving it the thumbs up and I still find that shocking.
  18. Even if you missed the white power part(not likely), holy shit at the entire video. What the fuck man. I’m more and more convinced that I’m living in a sci-fi splinter universe universe every single day...
  19. https://www.npr.org/sections/live-updates-protests-for-racial-justice/2020/06/28/884392576/trump-retweets-video-of-apparent-supporter-saying-white-power ha. It’s 8 seconds in and gets repeated by the guy who is filming. How can you miss this? He really has no handlers.
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