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Everything posted by ort

  1. In other news, Trolls World Tour is a loud confusing mess of a movie. Like a technicolor fever dream. It's not really bad or good... it's more of something you just let wash over you. Like getting shot in the face with a shotgun loaded with glitter, manic pop music and colors. It also has fuckall to do with the first movie. It's like they exist in two completely different worlds.
  2. Anyway, my youngest was super excited for Trolls World Tour. He had been looking forward to it for like a year or more. He was pretty bummed that we wouldn't be able to see it, so we made a whole event around it. We decorated our TV room with a bunch of printed Trolls posters, put up streamers and made a little house party out of it. It was nice distraction.
  3. Yeah, this is such an unusual circumstance, it's hard to really extrapolate much from this. Trolls was kind of a surprise hit. No one was expecting it to be so popular. I think it didn't do that well in theaters, but gained more of a following later. The first Trolls was movie I didn't even give a second glance. It looked dumb and bad. My kids saw it somewhere at some point and liked it... and then we saw it and it was actually pretty cute... and then the sequel announcement came and it had actual hype... And now we're in a flipping pandemic and people are all stuck at home... it's not normal... I think I'm talking in circles, but a lot of unusual factors are playing into this so you can't really make any sweeping judgements about what this means.
  4. I've been saying this from the beginning... if what we are doing works... it will look like we did too much. It's going to blow up in our faces, because dumb people are dumb and can't seem to understand this very simple idea. It's like, your town is flooding, so you stop everything and build a giant dam, and then the flooding stops and everyone gets mad because they can't see any water and they spent all this money on this dumb dam. I mean, what is that thing even for? I don't see any water, we didn't even need it. What the hell.
  5. He's such a cowardly piece of shit. He's trying to play both sides of this. We all have to distance and follow these rules, but maybe we should be opening up. Staying sheltered is dumb, even though I told you to do it, but also, we have to do this. Or do we, maybe we should open? What kind of garbage leadership is this? It's bullshit. Pick a side, coward. If you think this is all fucking dumb and we should re-open everything, just fucking do that/ Stop being a waffling pussy ass pussy about everything. What a worthless garbage president. Of course we're stuck with Donald Trump as our president during one of the biggest crises of my lifetime. It's like some sort of sick fucking joke. Good job republicans. You FUCKED us all. Thanks for electing this piece of shit faux billionaire reality TV show narcissistic useless feckless waffling garbage monster con artist. This blood is on your hands republican voters.
  6. Imagine being so desperate to put a person of color on your network that you resort to Diamond and Silk. I mean, seriously. And all the big bad conspiracy theories they are putting out is all the EXACT same shit all of my conservative facebook friends are either directly stating as fact or dancing around because they are too cowardly to just say it. But we all know what they are thinking.
  7. Like I said before, I'm cool if the Dems want to talk about this and be concerned by it, and denounce Biden because of it... fine... but if a Trump supporters says one thing about Biden's allegation they should be punched right in the mouth. Just no. Shut up forever. You can have no moral outrage over this. This story isn't gonna go away. Fox News dot com has been hitting it hard this week, because they are evil immoral shitlords without even an ounce of shame, credibility or intellectual honesty. They care about literally nothing, nothing at all... besides keeping Republicans in power. That is their only purpose. Every single story they put out has this goal in mind and nothing else.
  8. Super Mario Metroidvania style game. 2D Mario side scroller, but one big open world where you explore and find power-ups that let you access new areas. Also... Advance Wars iOS/Android game. NOW!!!!!!!
  9. I can kinda see how someone could rationalize voting for Trump in 2016... almost, from a distance if I squint and hit myself in the head with a hammer for a few times... But I simple cannot wrap my head around how someone can still be okay with him. Anyone who hasn't changed their mind by this point is a lost cause. You would have to be so utterly stupid or gullible or ignorant or racist or so far up your own ass or so selfishly capitalistic that you literally care about nothing but accumulating wealth... we don't need or want any of those people. And we won't get them anyway, so fuck em all. I think we should carve MAGA into all of their foreheads inglorious basterds style so they have to live with their shame forever.
  10. Oh right, I forgot about that. What a fucking clown show that was. I'm circling back around to the idea that anyone who voted for Trump or supports Trumps isn't even worth talking to. We should treat them like people walking around wearing KKK masks. The worst fucking people imaginable.
  11. Fox News is hitting this Tara Reade story hard now to deflect from Trump being a total moron. It's an interesting game of chicken, because everyone knows that Trump has what, 26 credible sexual assault allegations and was caught on tape saying the pussy grabbing stuff. Not to mention everything else... the game is though, that republicans don't care, because they are morally bankrupt profiteers with no sense of right or wrong. But they know that a lot of democrats do care... so they can push this. It's fascinating, because I can respect a Democrat who is troubled by this, (I sure am) but anyone who voted for Trump or supports Trump and then puts this allegation out there as some sort of big deal deserves to be beaten to death with a tire iron. FUCK THAT. Shut the fuck up about everything from now until the end of time. You've lost the ability to take some sort of moral stance on this. You simple can't.
  12. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/04/i-work-grocery-store-dont-call-me-hero/610147/?utm_source=pocket-newtab
  13. So, spoiler alert I guess, but what is this about? A guy who kills people by putting them up his butt? It's a Richard Gere biopic?
  14. Yeah, I mean, I see all this stuff happening or whatever, but we should be talking about the real news... the real shit... did you guys know that Nancy Pilosi eats fancy ice cream? Let's talk about that. A lot. That's really important.
  15. Libertarianism literally makes no sense at all... like, I don't get how anyone who isn't a total simpering git can't see how it would play out if we lived in their ideal version of libertarian society. We would have zero freedom in 10 year or less. We would be ruled by a single corporation and no one would have anything. Without government regulations we would all be so mega fucked. It takes a special kind of willful ignorance to not understand that.
  16. Based on the posts from my right wing facebook friends, this is going to get super ugly super fast. I know that many people are quite stupid, but many of these people are especially stupid. I know there are a lot of left wing dingbat morons, there isn't a political divide amongst intelligence... but right wing morons are a special breed. Truly a different kind of dipshit. They almost delight in being dumb. It's like a point of pride for them.
  17. Actually, Conan was on Colbert's show the other day and I think he is doing it too. I think, I dunno if I'm remembering right, but I think they talked about it. Probably just not a headliner.
  18. It's not 8 hours? Right? I think it's 2 hours. (EDIT: I think the part on TV is 2 hours and there is some sort of streaming thing for 6 hours before. I dunno.)
  19. I was all like, wha? He's still alive? But no, he died in the 90s. He would have been 100 on April 1st.
  20. They should have a law that says that if your net worth is over like a million bucks you are disqualified from working for the government. We also need a maximum wage. Also, every rich ass billionaire motherfucker pushing to reopen the country should be required to have to work a week as a supermarket cashier.
  21. I'm watching season 1 again first. Will probably start this in a few weeks...
  22. That ad is fucked up. It's basically CHINA CHINA CHINA. It says fucking nothing. It's all meaningless garbage. It's pure raw unfiltered racism. Trump's china travel ban did fucking nothing and all this footage of Biden calling it xenophobic is skirting around the fact that he never directly described the ban that way. He was describing Trump that way. I know that's a fine line to walk, but team Trump has so little to hang onto in this that this is the best they can do. It's fucking pathetic. It's hard to play politics when one of the sides can basically do and say whatever they want without consequence.
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