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Everything posted by ort

  1. People Are Digging Up Old Fox News Clips Of Bill O’Reilly And Lou Dobbs Slamming Dr. Seuss Over That Environmentalist Classic ‘The Lorax’ UPROXX.COM The network’s pundits may be trying to save Dr. Seuss now, but they came for his head less than a decade back.
  2. I want a switch lite that can hook up to a TV. Don't care about 4k.
  3. The dumbest part is that I bet if you went out in the street and asked Americans to make a list of every Dr. Seuss book they could recall... that 99.99% of them would not name even one of these six books.* I am so annoyed at all of this and I feel like I'm just falling into their trap. I need to just turn off all of this noise and ignore it... but it's hard... because it's just so unbelievably dumb. Like on a deep cosmic level. *Prior to this latest controversy of course.
  4. Seriously, the Republican Party has nothing. They stand for absolutely fucking nothing. If this is the battle they are choosing to collectively fight... then what the flying fuck is even happening? Who are they even mad at? Why? What the fucking fuck is this fucking shit? FUCK.
  5. This Dr. Seuss meltdown is just next-level maddeningly stupid. It's been like the main topic of discussion on Fox News for like 2-3 days... It's seriously one of the stupidest things to come out of American politics ever and that's saying a WHOLE FUCKING LOT. It's so dishonest, so manipulative, so fucking calculated and devious that anyone pushing it is a total motherfucker. FUCK ALL THESE PEOPLE. I'll cancel their fucking faces.
  6. I feel like roughly 75% off the current republican platform is whataboutism. I mean, here comes some whataboutism from me, but whatever... Cuomo has been the big lead story on Fox News for weeks... they are all so offended about the 12,000 people that died in NY nursing homes and these 3 women that have some forward with claims of inappropriate sexual advances... and yet... Trump. I mean, motherfucking Trump? Really? If you backed Trump, then shut the fuck up about any of this. YOU MAY NOT SPEAK. YOU MAY NOT WAG YOUR FINGER. You backed a man who is probably single-handedly responsible for at least half of the 500,000+ American COVID deaths, and who has been accused of misconduct by 26 women or whatever the fuck it is. Stop clutching those pearls you dishonest fuckers. Also, fuck Cuomo. Is this supposed to be some sort of gotcha? We don't give a fuck about Cuomo. Launch that stupid piece of shit into the sun for all I care. He's a fucking dumb ass. Send his brother too. What the right can't seem to get a handle on is that we actually care about this shit and it's not some sort of idiotic con game we're playing to get lower taxes.
  7. Loki probably gave her dad the DVDs when he was off on his time-travel adventures. That's what the Loki show is going to be all about.
  8. I don't think her dad had Malcom in the Middle, I think she was watching that later in the Hydra lab.
  9. The NBA shutdown is what got me too. I was already working from home that week, my kids were on spring break... when they announced the NBA was shutting down, I immediatly stopped what I was doing, drove to Sams and bought enough frozen food to fill our (smallish) deep freeze in the basement. The week before that, (like very early march) my sister-in-law and her husband were in town from LA. They were both freaking out about the virus, but we had a normal visit. She had us take her to a Sams club here and she bought 2 giant packs of Clorox wipes and a bunch of other stuff and shipped it back to LA. We were laughing at her at the time, but the joke was on us. My birthday is March 9th and my family went out to dinner, but it was just starting to feel very weird. The restaurant was practically empty and I may have had one of the last "normal" non-covid birthdays. It was a crazy time. Now it's a year later, I spent most of my time working from home with 2 kids doing virtual school and it SUCKED. It sucked so much. The worst part is that I feel like this stupid virus stole a year of childhood from my kids.
  10. Yeah, I usually think stuff like this is silly, but this story is bonkers and fascinating. I never knew that people stealing pure bred dogs was a thing, but I guess it is. What a fucking world...
  11. "I have lists going of companies I am boycotting and buying. It is difficult because so many jumped on the BLM movement mid-summer. Good to be able to add one to my buy list. Starbucks was an early boycott. I won't make a difference in anyone's bottom line but it is all I can do. I don't need any pillows yet but you can bet when I do I'll be buying them from the My Pillow guy. Not because I support him completely but because they tried to hurt his business. I bought lots of Goya and dropped it off at the food pantry." And this is in the comments with 4200 likes and 44 dislikes and hundreds cheering this comment on. These people have zero self awareness.
  12. Hyatt claps back at CPAC haters: We take pride in operating a highly inclusive environment WWW.FOXBUSINESS.COM Hyatt Hotels defended its decision to host the 2021 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Friday, at a time when the political climate has become increasingly volatile, citing its belief that individuals and organizations should be able to peacefully gather and express their own views. This is the big lead story on Fox News. A few random twitter people are annoyed at Hyatt and now it's some sort of big thing? Just fuck off, Jesus Christ, Fox News, you are intellectually dishonest goblins. It's just fucking painful to live in a world with people this fucking terrible. It fucking sucks. The right wining about cancel culture is such a fucking shitfest. Fuck all these people. I'll cancel their fucking culture, their culture fucking sucks. They should cancel their fucking everything. Assholes. Fox News is pure fucking evil and everyone who works their is a fucking douchebag and should go fuck themselves.
  13. Paw Patrol? Wasn't that a complete non-story? Did anyone try to actually cancel it? I thought it was some sort of joke.
  14. Yes, this show is killing it. Full-on top level Marvel movie quality in a show. What's crazy is that we're now like 5 hours in and even though it's a Marvel show there haven't even been any real action scenes to speak of and yet it's been riviting. I love how this is their first TV show, and it's completely TV show themed. It's very meta. I didn't realize how much I had been missing this universe during this dumb year. If all the Marvel shows are of this quality we're in for a good time... Winder Soldier and Falcon is coming out in like 3 weeks.
  15. So there is one episode left? Right? Is it gonna be like 2 hours long?
  16. Every brand or sports team that uses a Native American name (or any other stereotype) should see the writing on the wall and be preparing for the day they have to change... and/or just do the right thing and change yourself. It's going to happen eventually, just rip off the band aid.
  17. Call me potato. Mr. Potato Head was my father... Here's a fun fact, back in the day, they were just body parts with literal spikes, and you supplied your own real potato.
  18. If they skip ahead 5 years and have him talking or whatever it will make even less sense than it already does... Time to be a "that guy"... but I don't think Grogu being so baby-like at 50 makes any sense at all. If yodas live to be 900 and are comparable at all to human development... Grogu at 50 would be like a 5 year old in human years... not a baby. And even if it wasn't 10 Yoda years = one human year, a species where the babies are that useless for 50 years makes no sense. He seems to be similar to maybe a 20-24 month old on the show... so that means when he's 100 he'll be like a 4 year old? At 200 he will be 8? Does he hit a mental growth spurt in there somewhere? The time table makes zero sense. And no, I don't actually give a shit about any of this, but I still think it's kinda weird.
  19. Remember that she has probably been punched in the head like 10,000 times. I'm not listening to that. I really don't care. I can't get too wrapped up in this... I really just do not care. I was more offended that she had the audacity to be a Trump supporter and then complain about politicians trying to divide people and sow hate. Like, how fucking obtuse do you have to be? I don't a fuck about the anti-semitism... it's just so fucking stupid. Utterly daft. Just, how... how fucking deranged would you have to be to see the last 5 years or whatever and have that ridiculous, utter shit, garbage opinion be your take-away? You would have to be the stupidest most ignorant mother fucker on the planet.
  20. If they gave those little turtles provel cheese instead of mayo they would instantly recover, become super beings and take over the world in a matter of hours...
  21. I also love Daft Punk, but I feel like this isn't a shocking development.
  22. That's roughly how much it costs in Illinois before tax (which is also crazy high) 3.5g ends up being like $75+ after tax. Edibles are even worse, 100mg of edibles is like $30-40 bucks after tax... in Colorado, the same amount is roughly $10. It's way cheaper in states where it's been legal for a while and supply has caught up to demand. I always buy shake. I can get like 7g of good quality shake for like $100 bucks or less after tax. Weed in Colorado and Cali is like half the price (or less) as it is in Illinois... In Missouri it's been mostly decriminalized everywhere I go (it's county by county) and they just started having medicinal. If you have a medical license you can grow your own.
  23. Chun Li and Ryu shooting each other with guns is just wrong.
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