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Everything posted by ort

  1. Remember that she has probably been punched in the head like 10,000 times. I'm not listening to that. I really don't care. I can't get too wrapped up in this... I really just do not care. I was more offended that she had the audacity to be a Trump supporter and then complain about politicians trying to divide people and sow hate. Like, how fucking obtuse do you have to be? I don't a fuck about the anti-semitism... it's just so fucking stupid. Utterly daft. Just, how... how fucking deranged would you have to be to see the last 5 years or whatever and have that ridiculous, utter shit, garbage opinion be your take-away? You would have to be the stupidest most ignorant mother fucker on the planet.
  2. If they gave those little turtles provel cheese instead of mayo they would instantly recover, become super beings and take over the world in a matter of hours...
  3. I also love Daft Punk, but I feel like this isn't a shocking development.
  4. That's roughly how much it costs in Illinois before tax (which is also crazy high) 3.5g ends up being like $75+ after tax. Edibles are even worse, 100mg of edibles is like $30-40 bucks after tax... in Colorado, the same amount is roughly $10. It's way cheaper in states where it's been legal for a while and supply has caught up to demand. I always buy shake. I can get like 7g of good quality shake for like $100 bucks or less after tax. Weed in Colorado and Cali is like half the price (or less) as it is in Illinois... In Missouri it's been mostly decriminalized everywhere I go (it's county by county) and they just started having medicinal. If you have a medical license you can grow your own.
  5. Chun Li and Ryu shooting each other with guns is just wrong.
  6. I mean, it is a political stunt... but you know what... it is also actually helping people at the end of the day... so when what makes you look good politically is actually helping people, it makes it a win/win.
  7. I've noticed that many republicans tend to think every altruistic thing that their opponents do is some sort of deceptive trick with secret hidden motives... Why? Because they don't actually every do anything to help anyone, so they assume everyone else is playing the same evil games they do.
  8. I didn't pick up on much Full House, but the house itself had a similar layout. But a lot of sitcom houses had family room with a similar layout. I was kinda bothered by how they had the fake TV show scenes in 16:9 instead of 4:3. It's not like they just threw in the towel and went all 16:9... they were flipping between 16:9 and 2.35:1, even though 16:9 is completely wrong for that era of TV. I guess it's a good sign that this was what I choose to be bothered by, because I really feel like this show is knocking it out of the park. I don't think I realized how much I was missing new MCU stuff. It's been a long time since we've been back to this universe. I've had fun watching it with my sons, who go with me to all of these movies.
  9. I never knew that Scarlet Witch was a ding dang Olsen twin. What the heck? (OK, Olson sister, or whatever, you know what I mean... and how haven't they done Full House on Wandavision yet?)
  10. The never-ending Last Jedi shit is like this boards version of Godwin's law...
  11. Even though this was always the inevitable outcome of all of this and I've known it from the beginning, it's shocking how much this is angering me right now. I literally hate everything. EVERY FUCKING THING.
  12. No they couldn't have. The republican party has abandoned all reason and sanity. Nothing was going to happen. It's all pointless. Nothing matters, nothing has consequence and the vast majority of the GOP are craven immoral pieces of shit who are actively working against democracy itself.
  13. We're a hockey family and what's funny is that when they announced this my son was like 9 and would have been super into it, but now he's like 11 and I feel like he's no longer in the target age range... We'll watch it either way though... looks decent!
  14. Republican Party is trump and trump is the republican party. They are the same. They've embraced insanity and every single one of those 43 senators is going to go down in history as cowardly pieces of shit and they should. Nothing means anything to them. If this wasn't an impeachable offense, nothing is. Nothing means anything anymore. Politics is a fucking joke. I don't know why I pay any attention to it at all, all it brings me is anger and misery. Fuck everything. The insurrectionists probably had the right idea. Let's burn Washington DC to the ground and just get to the part where we are killing each other in the streets like animals. We're going to get there sooner than later so why fucking wait.
  15. So 20 minutes of show and 40 minutes of credits? COOL! (I kid, I kid, I'm loving this show)
  16. I mean, does it really matter? really? They've already proven that the vast majority of republicans are not bring moved by any of this because they are dishonest hucksters who literally believe in nothing. Whats the fucking point of any of this? Politics is fucking over. It's all a total farce. It's a fucking joke. All of it.
  17. I also didn't love or hate it. I mostly liked it, but it was very very flawed. Last Jedi was a film with a lot of great stuff and a lot of dumb stuff swirled together in a weird ice cream and pickle relish sundae.
  18. All they know how to do is play the victim. They're the biggest asshole bully jerk faces in the world and are always crying about how everyone is holding them back. The most offensive part of Carano's tweet wasn't the reference to nazis, it's that she's so far up her own ass, so unbelievably dumb, such a fucking self absorbed idiotic nitwit that she actually had the audacity, the sheer nerve to be on the side of Trump and then whine and moan about political divisiveness and turning your opponents into enemies. If you stood with Trump, get those fucking words out of your mouth. You've lost the right to morally grand stand. SHUT UP. Shut the fuck up.
  19. It's really fascinating to watch as one political party takes up stances that are now considered so offensive to the other side that simply espousing them puts you on a shit list. I mean, these are now fairly mainstream opinions... and yet, a huge swath of the populace finds them disgustingly offensive. I'm right there too, I unloaded an obscenity laced rant about her idiocy and yet her getting canned makes me feel kinda gross. It's interesting how a lot of people with right-leaning political thoughts now feel free to speak a lot more openly about things like this in the era of Trump. I'm a jew and honestly, I was less offended by the comparison to Nazis as I was by just how idiotic and stupid it for someone who is in a party that enables a man like trump to be complaining about hateful rhetoric in politics. Like, shut your fucking face with that shit. You may not have that opinion. It's so fucking lacking in self awareness that it makes me want to punch things. I'm not happy about her getting fired, but I also think she is a big dopey dipshit. I have mixed feelings.
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