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Everything posted by ort

  1. It's hard to read too much into any of these bonkers job numbers due to the pandemic. They would be gonzo up and down no matter who was in office or what was going on. These are unprecedented times and who knows.
  2. I set the gamepass app on my phone to download this, but it didn't actually do anything (usually works fine). So when I went to play this last night I couldn't because it wasn't downloaded and then it was taking forever. Maybe tonight. This doesn't have split screen campaign local co-op, right? But they expect to add that in later?
  3. Even the reddest of red states have like 40% democrats in them. Same thing other way. I think there's this idea that everyone in a state is one way or another, but it's really not true at all.
  4. I still haven't finished season 5. It's kinda a blur now, but I feel like the season had like 4 episodes in a row that could all be considered the worst episodes ever. They just weren't landing for me. I still need to watch the last 3, which I hear are much much better. It kinda makes me sad, because I love that show and do not want it to lose it's magic, but I kinda feel it slipping away slowly.
  5. sblfmlms just needs to use something like a Warrant Canary. Make a post that says, I have never seen the 4th Matrix movie. And then delete it when it's not true. Anyway, I thought the first trailer was great, but found the second one annoying. Not sure why, but it killed all my hype. I'm barely even into the Matrix. The first one is pretty good, and was visually stunning and very influential and important... but way way way overhyped.. The second two are just dumpster fire bad.
  6. As a general rule, I've found that like 90% of COVID articles that talk about new information out of Israel, are complete and total bullshit. Somehow every fucking stupid anti-tax fucker always says Israel this, Israel that... FUCK ISREAL and FUCK ANTI-VAXXERS.
  7. I watched about an hour of this, and while I'm glad it exists, this is not for me. I would probably watch 2 hours of this cut into a movie, but 7 hours hours of this is more than I want to watch.
  8. In hindsight Bob Dole seems so much better than the republicans we have today. I remember I was in Jr High when he was running for office, and we had some sort of mock debate or discussion about the candidates... and all I remember is that we had this one kid, the class clown kind of guy... and every time anyone said the name Bob Dole out loud, he would yell out... "His name sounds like a FRUIT!" It was so dumb and he did it like 4 times. Anyway, yeah. RIP in peace Bob Dole. I wonder if they'll bury him with his pen?
  9. Do you think it matters if we watch Hawkeye before Eternals? I liked Shang-chi, but yeah, they raised the stakes way to high by the end. It got too silly too fast. The dad is the freaking bad guy, not some soul dragons we got introduced to 15 minutes before they show up. Everyone of these dang movies doesn't have to about saving the whole universe. I mean, I like Awkwafina, she steals every scene she's in (which is like all of them) but why is she in this movie at all? So they have someone to explain everything to? Ben Kingsley felt super unnecessary and random too. This movie feels like it got "punched up" at some point. It felt like a movie that got re-written halfway through.
  10. Can't wait. One of my favorite movies of the last, uh, I dunno. A long time... the first one is seriously an amazing movie.
  11. ‘We can't underscore how big of a deal’ Cuomo’s firing is: Joey Jones WWW.FOXNEWS.COM Joey Jones and his fellow "Big Saturday Show" co-hosts reacted to the news of Chris Cuomo's dismissal from CNN on Saturday. Here's a big story over there about how some of the hosts on one of their shows think this whole Cuomo thing is a pretty big deal. I mean, what a scoop!
  12. Fox is obsessed with him. They constantly make him their big lead story. This scandal gives them a giant boner. They usually drag out a Cuomo story when they run out of the usual chum or have to distract from someone on their team doing something. I've always found Cuomo annoying. I can only watch him for a few minutes before I can't take it anymore.
  13. archive.vn ARCHIVE.VN Here's a letter that mom wrote to Trump in 2016. She doesn't come off as the sharpest knife in the drawer.
  14. Hey, I finally got around to resubscribing to Disney+ and we watched Black Widow tonight. It was incredibly okay.
  15. I'm thinking of starting this show... I know it's a comedy/drama... but is it mostly a comedy? Will the first few episodes give me a good idea of what it's all about or is it one of those shows that takes a while to hit its stride?
  16. Yeah, our governor is a piece of poop. No one is wearing masks here anymore. People are just over it. None of these people even believe masks do anything. They think it's all a giant scam and nothing, I mean NOTHING will convince them otherwise.
  17. We're still into... I see every single one of these in the theaters with my kids and we have a good time. BUT... That said, we're now way behind due to COVID. Haven't seen Black Widow or anything that's come out afterwards. Have not watched What if? or Hawkeye. Being this far behind makes it start to feel a little overwhelming.
  18. I used to occasionally get shit from "elsewhere", and then I got a few cease and desist letters from my cable company... so I cut that shit out. I guess I need to sign up for a VPN and start stealing everything. That seems to be what these media companies want us to do.
  19. Paramount + can eat my crusty butthole. I'm not signing up for it just to watch South Park. I just won't watch and they will get nothing. Great way to keep your fans happy.
  20. I'm just so sick of this streaming bullshit. The NHL was on NBC for like a decade and I don't think I missed a single game on TV. ESPN has had the rights for one year and they've already moved two games to ESPN+ streaming. It's fucking bullshit. I hate it. South Park has been on Comedy Central for 30 years or whatever. What the fuck is this bullshit? Why do I pay for cable? I don't want to sign up for 10 different streaming services. I don't want to sign up for free trials and cancel just to watch an episode of a show I like. FUCK THAT. FUCK. THAT.
  21. You lost me at Paramount + exclusive. Fuck that. Why do I even pay for cable?
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