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Everything posted by ort

  1. Snow White really has a hell of a journey. We establish that she's super hot, then she runs away and hides, cleans a house, eats poison and gets kissed when she's asleep.
  2. With the election being only 3 short years away, isn't a little too soon to appoint a new justice?
  3. My memory is hazy, but I do think Snow White and the Prince meet before the kiss. They have a song together in the woods or something like that.
  4. That was my initial thought as well, but then I decided that... A.) I really have no dog in this fight and really truly do not care and B.) who am I to tell others what they should and should not be bothered by. I have never lived my life as someone with dwarfism, so who am I to decide what is and is not offensive? Ultimitaly I decided this was just a story I wasn't going to pay much attention to or find the energy to care about.
  5. I wonder if Joe Rogan helped Aaron Rodgers with research for tonight's offensive gameplan.
  6. Love how the right has turned their eye of Sauron on school board meetings as their next culture war battle ground. Going great.
  7. He was so great in Baskets. Underrated weird ass show.
  8. How long have you been smoking regularly? You can build up pretty strong tolerances as a heavy user, as I'm sure you probably know... it may have nothing to do with COVID.
  9. Yeah, I just finished this up. Wow. This is not the sort of show I normally get into at all, and I was kinda not feeling it for the first 2-3 episodes, but once it got going I couldn't stop. This shit is compelling. I love and hate all of the leads at the same time. I'm going have to disagree. I really don't think this show is mostly a comedy at all. It's definitely comedic and funny as hell, but it's a drama first and foremost. It's like 75% drama, 25% comedy. That said, if you had told me it was a drama, I probably wouldn't have watched it and I'm really glad I did... and now I'm annoyed as hell that it sounds like season 4 isn't coming for a long time... BOOOOOO.....
  10. Rhys Darby, he's great. He's best known as Murray from Flight of the Conchords, but he's one of those guys who shows up all over the place.
  11. Ha, yeah, I noticed that too. Kate killed at least 10 people in that last episode and didn't even pause to reflect on that for even a second.
  12. It was weird seeing Gamora with zero setup in the finale. Apparently they had to cut her episode and it will show up in season 2. I liked how it all tied together at the end. Some eps were better than others, but overall, it was more entertaining than I was expecting. I don't know why I wasn't really that pumped about it... I think the animation looked kinda meh in the trailers, but it was actually pretty good. It grew on me. I think I often see that style of animation and expect it to be lazy, kinda like a 2nd rate direct to video superhero movie... but it was a few steps above that for sure.
  13. I only know him from Family Feud, and he's a fantastic game show host. The dude is just a natural. I've never seen his standup. Whatever. As soon as any of these nipple brains start whining about cancel culture I instantly stop caring about anything else they have to say. I feel the same way about anyone who uses the word "woke".
  14. What makes the Raid good was the action choreography, acting/fighting and pacing. It was the execution, not the concept. The concept/plot is basically not important at all.
  15. Same. I liked season one... but the last few years it was hard for me to find the motivation to start a show as dark and cynical as this one... Plus, Amazon Prime is annoying. I have a sub, but almost never launch the app. out of sight, out of mind.
  16. Or that the master plan behind crippling the world's 94 trillion dollar economy is every single government in the world is participating in a global conspiracy to help a handful of pharmaceutical companies make like an extra 40 billion dollars. Yeah, that fucking makes so much sense.
  17. Sometimes I wonder if what's wrong with many conservatives is that they are literally incapable of understanding why anyone would want to act altruisticly. It's like, they know that they are completely self centered pieces of garbage, they understand how their terrible own selfish mind works and then they assume that everyone else thinks exactly like they do. It impossible for them to understand why anyone would act selflessly so they assume everything is some sort of hustle... because in their world of swirling garbage selfishness, everything is. It's this sort of shit garbage thinking that leads these deranged motherfuckers to think something lie wearing masks is some sort of government conspiracy to try and control the populous. I mean, this is a well established way to think about the situation. It boggles my mind. They really truly believe that there's some smoke filled room full of Democrats somewhere rubbing their hands together and laughing over their brilliant idea of making everyone wear a mask. This is literally what millions of people think.
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