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Everything posted by Mercury33

  1. I LOVED the first game. It’s easily one of my favorite open world games. But I do remember it having the extreme misfortune of coming out right after Breath of the Wild. So it’s static world, was made even more glaring than it normally would have been. Honestly I don’t think it’s world was really any worse in that way than 90% or the open world games out there.
  2. @SaysWho? Good heads up! Don’t mind the sad Xbox haters. Every thread about a new PS that’s actually being released. For people to actually play. This decade. Reminds them of how sad they are on the inside.
  3. LOL “the only good things Chris Pratt are in...” Then proceeds to list almost a majority of the things he’s starred in. Passengers isn’t great but it’s also not terrible. Magnificent 7 was fun if unremarkable Jurassic World is pretty good it just gets dragged down by nit picking idiots on the internet. Fallen Kingdom straight up isn’t good. But on the other hand, Jurassic Park movies are like Pizza. Even bad ones are still fun.
  4. Also just finished the third Boss. I really enjoy the pacing of the game. It was nice coming out of a suuuuuuper creepy 2nd area to have a section that, while still awesome and atmospheric wasn’t as down right “scary”.
  5. I’m in that boat of being kinda over Marvels formula and aesthetic. However, this phase is going to get into the really weird shit they couldn’t have done when this all started. So I’m kinda excited to see how well they tie it all together
  6. Come on guys. The OBVIOUS answer for who plays the Connery character....Christopher Lambert. As for the Kurgen...Jason Momoa. I don’t think they should get Queen to redo the soundtrack but I do think you have to have nods to it. Have the original theme playing in a bar. Maybe have a cover of Who Wants to Live Forever. But the sound track is def a high priority because of how iconic the first one was.
  7. I hated MK more than WW84. At least WW wasn’t down right offensive to the source material
  8. Honestly. I didn’t binge the marvel movies, I watched them as they came out. I STILL have those two movies a “I don’t care anymore/10” rating. The Marvel look and formula is just so tired for me at this point.
  9. Ok yeah that first boss fight was pretty cool. I do kinda feel bad bummed though because I did really like the castle, it’s boss and everything that happened there. I’m sad I’m done with it haha
  10. I finally got out haha. I got all 4 masks and then spent some time just running around the castle trying to clear each room. Stupid crystal fragments haha.
  11. Ahhh I’m in the classic “stuck in the safe room because the big monster hunting you won’t fucking walk far enough away” situation lol
  12. yeah I know. But he’s been on for at least a month so far and he’s been really good. I hope he stays but even if he doesn’t he’s certainly helping in the transition.
  13. Watched the first two episodes. Much better and darker than I thought it would be.
  14. Yeah the timer is def odd. It says I’m only 2 hours in but I’ve def played at least 4 so far
  15. Same. I’m not in college anymore. I don’t have the time to get good at every game. Sometimes I just wanna play through and have fun enjoying the story/world/combat. I still enjoy a Souls type game now and then but I don’t have the time to set EVERY game I play to its hardest difficulty.
  16. Im not sure if this works for everyone. But make sure you find the shotgun. Then during the chase I went under the house to get some ammo. Then there’s more shotgun ammo in the house with the ladder. I climbed up to the roof and just one shotted enemies in the head to knock them off the roof. When I ran out of ammo I jumped down and ran up to the gate with the red barrel near it. Waited for a couple enemies to get close and blew them up. The end cut scene triggered right after that. I have no idea what triggers the cut scene (enemies killed or time survived) but that path I took was pretty easy with little to no reisstence so hopefully it helps some people.
  17. God damnit. I was gonna wait on this but I caved. I have so much going on at the same time 😭
  18. Went to play last night. Got the glitch where you can’t interact with anything in the VERY FIRST ROOM. So I’m done with this game till it’s 100% fixed. In 7 attempted runs only 1 didn’t end due to a glitch and me resetting.
  19. true but in 3rd person you do get a little better view of what’s next to you and to an extent what’s behind you. Even if it’s only a foot or two I enjoy being pulled back from the action a bit. I also generally dislike isometric games but I don’t know why haha
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