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Everything posted by Mercury33

  1. I was excited when I thought this was maybe a Ready or Not sequel. Premise seemed interesting at first then looked basic and boring towards the end.
  2. For anyone whose a decent way into this. Are there Metroidvania aspects to this? Or do missions have you revisit planets? Just trying to decide if I should be trying to completely clear this plant before moving forward or if I’ll naturally get brought back.
  3. Also I believe the way they came up with Bizzaro He Man(or whatever he was called) was that an error happened in the production of some regular He Man toys. They came out the wrong color. So instead of throwing them away they wrote that color character into the show so they could sell them haha
  4. Every time the phrase “…won E3” is uttered. A puppy is smashed with a hammer. Stop it. It’s not 2004 anymore.
  5. I will never forget that day and where I was. My god were we hyped out of our minds after that conference.
  6. God I hope so. The world needs way more 8-12 hour narrative games. Not everything needs to be an 80 hour open world monstrosity.
  7. It’s not really a new format. It’s a necessary format. I’d guess they’ll try and do a regular trade show again next year.
  8. Im sure PC players have seen this level before but I never even had a Ps Pro so it’s all new to me. It reminds me of when I upgraded from my 720p plasma to my 4K OLED. Just a lot “OHHHHH” moments. Standing in the middle of a rift and rotating the camera 360 degrees, seeing each world instantly load is impressive as hell. And of course, for me Rachet are like Nintendo games. So well made and so fun you just sit there with a smile the whole time
  9. Yeah just got through the first level. My god this game simply takes your breath away at points. The first time you find a Golden bolt and the way the light moves around as you toss it 😳. First boss fight was incredibly fun. And glitch. Omg glitch I love you with all of my heart. The voice acting as always been good in these games but combined with the upgraded visuals it’s not an overstatement to say it feels like you’re playing through a movie.
  10. Lol continuation? What does that even mean? There was zero progressive story in the original series. Each episode was self contained(aside from a few two parters). Closest they ever got to a real story was Secret of the Sword.
  11. Agree 100% it never feels like they’re getting stepped on because they both have such different takes and ways of looking at things. Whereas Brad would kind of let himself get stepped on then you could hear the frustration in his voice. I totally get people like different things. But these last few weeks of BC have been the most I’ve enjoyed it in a long time.
  12. Really? I’m actually kinda enjoying the nee group more than the previous grouping. Danny has been fantastic and I don’t know if the other Jeff was just short term(I hope not, I loved he had a slightly different persoective) but it was fantastic with the 3 of them.
  13. VERY interested in this. Seems like it adds just that little bit more depth to add the “soul” that Civ games are missing. Wish this was Switch release too though.
  14. Ugh that looks fun enough to get me to sign up for a month.
  15. That particular segment of weekend update carries that whole damn show these days and those two don’t get enough credit for arguably being the best Weekend Hosts ever.
  16. The fuck is that trash? So women in post apocalyptic worlds are supposed to look like super models? Gtfo with that idiot.
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