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Everything posted by Mercury33

  1. 3 Houses JULY 26!!! Woooo been waiting for this seems like forever.
  2. I LOVED the Might and Magic games. Talk about a “just one more turn” game that keeps you up till 3am. But the pixel art on this game really turns me off so I’ll probably pass.
  3. Wanted to read something more light hearted after finishing the Warlord Trilogy so I’m “reading” The Graveyard Book. Lot of fun and the full cast audiobook is phenomenal. Still waiting to read something from Gaiman that isn’t superb.
  4. They’re out celebrating their 2019 E3 win of course.
  5. For sure. I’ll probbaly go back to get stuff for my kids birthday party in a few weeks. Seems perfect for that kind of stuff. Also i did love seeing all the creative rip off packaging and names they came up for their stuff to replicate regular brands. That’s a fun job I bet haha
  6. I don’t have anything against Aldi. Walking around it, I thought it was clever the ways they figured out how to cut costs so they can offer their cheap prices. Some stuff was intriguing but walking around a store with almost no staff and shelves that were empty in a lot of spots was just...off putting. I knew what they were about before I went in so I wasn’t surprised. And given that I live in an area that has Market Baskets everywhere(a full chain that already beats Walmart’s grocery prices) the low prices Aldi offers just aren’t that enticing to me.
  7. Plus I’m really all set with Halo and Gears letting us know theyve still done nothing to shake their games up. Who even cares about those stale franchises anymore.
  8. WTF is a “retail apocalypse”? Also I buy no food online except for specialty items. I go to the grocery store every week like a normal adult. Side note. An Aldi opened up near me. When in today...fuck that place. What an odd and bizarre vibe that place gives off. Like a thrift store for food.
  9. I just watched it on YouTube...uhhh I don’t understand the complaints in this thread it all. Sure it there was some stuff that needed cleaning up but it’s an Alpha stage still. I thought the traversal looked decent enough. Certainly no worse than Tomb Raider or Uncharted. I liked that it wasn’t just light attack light attack strong attack magic power finisher. The slower pace looked fun. And that moment where he freezes the blaster fire, then pulls the trooper in and moves him in front of his own fire...BAD. ASS. I thought the whole thing looked really promising 🤷🏻‍♂️
  10. Lol I gave that to a cousin for Christmas. He was speechless lol
  11. Those fucking books scared me so much as a kid that I’d flip them over face down on the ground and cover them with other books at night lol.
  12. Damnit, I just bought Days Gone like a week ago lol
  13. LOL such a nerd high five. Great game, can't say he didn't go down swinging.
  14. Everytime he makes the Vampire face at the camera after draining someone it gets me 😂 3 episodes in an honestly I think I love the TV vampires way more than the Movie ones. The werewolf episode was amazing. Although i was a bit disappointed Rhys Darby didn’t show up lol
  15. Yeah I’m down for that. There’s so much lore in MtG you had to assume it was gonna be a tv show or movie eventually.
  16. It’s an intentional nod to it. It’s not trying to rip it off without anyone noticing.
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