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Everything posted by Mercury33

  1. Just finished My counter reads 22nd hours and 58% completed. So far there’s only been one part closer to the beginning of the game where I felt “ugh this is tedious let’s get it moving” once you unlock your 3rd set of powers the combos start to reveal themselves and I can wipe out small mobs much faster so exploring and side quests feel much more fun. Absolutely loving this game
  2. If you don’t know the movie just from the photo, you’re failing at life.
  3. Watched the first episode tonight. There’s a couple fight scenes that are fantastic. It’s nothing new but I love the particular way they use slow Mo with the fight choreography. Had to brush up on a bit of the lore I had forgotten about after. The show has a long “previously on” but I’d watch a longer YouTube summary of the first two seasons. There’s a lot I forgot about. Simultaneously so happy to be back in this world and so utterly depressed that Cavill is leaving it.
  4. No intention of seeing this in theaters but excited to see it when it hits streaming.
  5. Sounds like Pixar should stop clamoring for other people to blame. Write better scripts. Make better movies. Luca and Red wouldn’t have been mega hits no matter what.
  6. I got to the first “story is about to go nuts are you sure you want to proceed?” Then spent the next almost two hours like 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳 game is fucking incredible
  7. Yes it is. I’d wage a vast majority of the people who saw the first movie never read the book or know the story.
  8. THATS IT, the ESPN one I didn’t think was great. @skillzdadirecta uhhh I haven’t thought about that Martial Arts show in like 30 years lol but yeah I loved it. Time to take a deep dive on YouTube 😂
  9. Fuck him and 90% of all the other “celebrity chefs” self important clowns. The Bear was the first time I felt like I could actually share what it was like to have worked in restaurants for 20 years with my wife and family. Show is incredible.
  10. Hopefully this is better than the HBO(?) one that was pretty boring and had hardly any of the Gladiators interviewed.
  11. They seems fine. Cavill will always be my Superman but I trust Gunn. Anyone will be better as Lois than Amy Adams though.
  12. Is it ever worth it to “explore”? I’m around level 21/22 and about to give up on going off to chase down those glowing orbs. There’s almost never anything great in the chests you find and usually I just get annoyed I wasted that tome instead of advancing the story.
  13. It’s hilarious rereading this thread and moving from “CGI looks bad” “movie is bombing” posts to “best looking CGI ever” and “James Cameron can’t be stopped 2+ billion!” Lol Finally got around to seeing it tonight. Yeah I very much regret not making the effor to see this in IMAX. That being said it still looked and sounded incredible on my TV. IDGAF I loved the first one and liked this one even better. It def could be a lot shorter but most of the stuff you could cut is extended scenes of beautiful scenery and music so whatever, I’ll take it. And as usual I always love the way Cameron shoots action scenes. No quick cuts, you can see everything that’s happening and it looks grand and awesome. Excited to see the flipped take on the Na’vi/human relationship in the next one.
  14. The music. God damn this music. It feels like it would be criminal to not play this game with headphones Also this Amazon X Ray type thing you can access at any time by holding down the touch pad is an amazing feature
  15. Is 14 mostly doable solo now? How accessible is it for someone starting from scratch? I’ve been interested for awhile but held off becasue im way behind and have no friends 😂
  16. Yeah 100% I’ve def thought “ehh I want to see that but it just looks ok. I’ll just wait for steaming” But I sure as shit made it priority to take my kid to see Mario lol. And I’m def making the time to see Spider Verse.
  17. I’m sure the D+ is kind of a thing for Elemental but the hype and buzz around it has been non existent to bad. That’s hurts it worse. Everything is so expensive these days that’s families just aren’t gonna spend the money on a below average movie. If Elemental was Up or even Inside Out quality and people were talking about how good it was, people would be flocking to the theater despite the D+ expectations. People still love going to the movies, they just can’t afford to go see anything regardless of quality anymore.
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