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Everything posted by Mercury33

  1. As I think one of the most ardent defenders of the first two movies...I have nothing to say about this one. Blast away. What the fuck.
  2. I’m through 5 episodes and basically agree with this sentiment. I really enjoy Yennifer and the Mages. I think it’s pretty compelling. Ciri def has the slowest of the stories so far. Don’t agree at all that everything outside of Geralt is B tier. I mean he’s by far my favorite part of the show as HC is crushing it I don’t find the quality to dip and at no point does it lose my attention. I also really love how there’s a sense of “figure it out yourself” to the show. They don’t drop the names of the places where they are. The different time lines have fun little clues for you to follow and figure out how it all fits together instead of just telling you. Love this show.
  3. Watched the first two episodes and oh wow am I happy. I LOVE this show so far. The music is phenomenal. @Bacon I didn’t get your quote because I hadn’t seen Ep2 yet but you’re right. That song was so good. I need that on my Spotify. The combat, sweet mercy the combat. When Geralt first fights it was a thing of beauty. I did not expect the sword play to look that good AT ALL. Love that the “time jump” uses contextual clues(that are not hard to find) instead of exposition or text on the screen. Knowing that these two stories will eventually meet makes just makes everything else so compelling. I could go on and on. This show is so good!
  4. I don’t think I’d mind one or two episodes that switch off of him/Ciri for back story or character building. But yeah he’s the Star and Cavill nailed him so he’s who I want to watch.
  5. so about on par with everything else that trash mag publishes. Magazine is made specifically to be flipped through in a Dr’s office while waiting for finger up your ass.
  6. Yeah that was a pretty awesome episode. Also. Pretty cool how all of a sudden those “useless waste of time episodes” suddenly came storming back with a flood of meaning. Love how in one episode this show went from “eh it’s fun but if it didn’t have the Star Wars setting it would just be average/below average” to “OMGWTFBBQ THIS IS THE BEST THING SINCE EMPIRE!!!!” Anywho, I thought the episode length was perfect. I mean having the shorter episodes kinda worked because it did give this episode a grander feel but I hope next season all the episodes fall in at 40 minutes. Allergies def kicked up with Kweel(no idea how that’s actually spelled). That whole sequence of them getting closer and closer with Mando on the comm was fantastic. It grabbed the kinda of emotion that the PT was shooting for several times but completely wiffed on. cant wait for the season finale.
  7. I would 100% mark out if Finn and Co. are in a bar or something somewhere and in the background you see Mando and BY sitting at a table and BY is sipping soup.
  8. Agree 100%. I just rewatched the first 6 movies since some channel has been running them all non stop for the last couple days. At their core I really enjoy the PT. The story and the arcs they're trying to tell are, for the most part very interesting. There are some really very very good things in those movies. But the major issue is its Dialogue. Its soooooo damn corny and not in a fun way like the OT. It just comes off like some crap student film at times. Whats even more odd is the delivery. I think some of the most cringeworthy lines COULD have been saved given the tremendous talent of the actors but its like Lucas told all of them "ok for shits and giggles lets do this last take as if you don't know how to act" then he used all those takes to make the movie. And IMO they really do enhance the OT. When I watch the original 3 I can't help but think of everything from the PT when I see Vader or Obi Wan and it adds so much more depth to whats going on. I still think Return of the Jedi is awesome though haha. I think it has the highest highs of the entire OT. Also rewatch the entire final encounter with Luke, Vader and the Emperor. You can find every cue you could possibly need to forecaset the development of Luke into who we see in TLJ.
  9. Yeah I'm sure the thought of toys never crossed his mind when he created Teddy Bear soldiers or sweet red armored guards who do absolutely nothing. But just for arguments sake. What character do you think Disney has created in the SW universe whose sole purpose is to sell toys?
  10. This game looks more Assassins Creed than the last few actual AC games. I'm excited if thats the case.
  11. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.gq.com/story/why-angry-white-men-love-calling-people-cucks/amp
  12. Also don’t forgot how all they care about is the all mighty dollar. Shown by how they keep releasing Merch that spoils the movies just so they can make a few extra dollars for Christmas. Smh should have just kept the series locked up aside from fan fiction books.
  13. Yeah, Disney sucks for turning the franchise around and starting to give us really good content. How dare they.
  14. WOW. He was literally the best part of that show. And what was the wrong message? That he was an angry black man? Yeah cool, no thanks on ever watching that show again and probably won’t pick up Starz again.
  15. Ready or Not - 5/5 So much fun. Not truly a comedy but more of a light hearted horror movie, if that makes sense. Kinda like Cabin in the Woods buts it’s not a satire of anything. Just fun. The main actress was kinda oddly bad at the beginning. Like i felt like she’s was playing a drunk person but isn’t supposed to be. But then when the screaming started...oh, that’s why she got the job haha. Really fun movie that I can see becoming something I ended up watching over and over.
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