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Everything posted by Mercury33

  1. Lol yeah he left sort of a blank slate but also left pretty fucking clear themes and potential arcs to follow up on.
  2. almost done with the second book and can’t wait to start the show over again after I finish.
  3. You can’t understand not wanting to feel behooved to the source of your “income”?
  4. First played: NES First owned: NES First Bought with my own Money: Genesis Favorite Console: N64
  5. Am I allowed to care and be sad that this happened yet or does that still make me a bad person?
  6. I really liked the 3rd Terminator and was pissed we didn’t get a direct sequel with the same leads. Plus we all know @skillzdadirecta opinion on film can’t be taken seriously due to his opinion of Rogue One 👀😂
  7. just to play Devils Advocate. Both of those movies were a fair bit earlier in his career. Before a lot of his critical acclaim. It’s also not like he did one of those average as hell Dreamworks movies with a mega cast. One was Disney during its Golden run and the other was a Miyazaki film. Again, just playing Devils Advocate but his standards might be higher than playing a CG character in a Marvel movie.
  8. Solid video. I don’t agree 100% with what he’s saying but a lot of it rings true. The Chewie nostalgia moment, I know it was just an example, I think is fine. That’s the kind of 5 second fan service that I think is great and fun. I’m curious his full views on TFA. Imo that movie is great. Of course it has its issues but I think in terms of what was needed to relaunch Star Wars it was pretty close to perfect and the nostalgia and parallels to ANH he uses throughout work perfectly. I need to watch RoS again. My expectations coming off of TLJ(in terms of story not film quality) definitely got in the way. But as it stands I agree with him. In my mind, The Last Jedi is the PERFECT ending to the entire saga and for me that’s where I’m pretending it stopped.
  9. Man can you imagine how much the neck beards would rage if a regular trooper tossed aside and then went toe to toe with force users like that lol Also, man did you see all those crazy light saber decapitations and limb severing in that? Still can’t believe Fallen Order got it so wrong. Game is so lame.
  10. I’d second @skillzdadirecta in saying check out The Bronx Zoo. It’s one of the better zoos in the country. Museum of Natural History is always great as well. Ellis Island is fascinating but I’d say skip going to Liberty island. Just take the Staten Island Ferry and you’ll get as close as you need to see the Statue of Liberty. Unless there’s zero line(there won’t be in July) id say skip The Empire State Building as well. It’ll eat up a giant portion of your day just waiting on line. Instead go to Rockafellar Center and go up to the Top of the Rock in 30 Rockefeller. It’s not quite as high but the view is better imo since it’s closer to Central Park. You can also take the tour of 30 rock while you’re there. Kinda cool to see the SNL studio. In the same area you can check out FAO Schwarz which is pretty fun to walk around. I believe most of the dress code etiquette is gone for Broadway. You can wear kinda whatever. I still wear a jacket and tie if I’m going to an evening performance just cause it’s fun to dress up and there aren’t many places to do it anymore. Matinee is whatever. have fun!
  11. I download the books on audible with the quickness. I finished the first book and I gotta say I’m pretty impressed with the changes they made. I think they did a really nice job with the linking the short stories together to create the show.
  12. Soooooo good. I was heart broken there weren’t more episodes after that. Damn allergies kicked up towards then end when they finally found each other.
  13. it slows down how fast the camera flys around. To me it feels like they left the console version optimized for K/M
  14. right. The whole universe has almost no rules to it at all. It’s grounded in no amount of reality. Going forward, going backwards, who cares. Just tell me a good story.
  15. There’s nothing canon from this era. How can it be interesting or not lol. We’ll find out how interesting it is when the first movie drops.
  16. Lol “without warning” because it’s common practice for any streaming service to give you a big heads up on what got taken off that week when you boot up.
  17. Oh just a reminder for everyone on consoles. Don’t forget to go in and turn your camera sensitivity all the way down. You’ll thank me.
  18. Haha right? “I only watched the cartoon and the movies” *whispers Bane is in both of those 😜 Yeah that article is trash. I got halfway through and I started getting an ice cream headache from the stupidity of it. Count me in the group of people who didn’t have any trouble understanding Bane. I think he voice got overblown by generally the same group as the Bombs in space people. TDKR isn’t any kind of masterpiece like TDK was. But I’d say it’s as least as good as BB was.
  19. @skillzdadirecta Wow ive never met anyone else that likes Brotherhood of the Wolf. It’s one of my top 3 favorite movies of all time. Also American Psycho is great...until you read the book and realize how much the movie misses the mark.
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