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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. I don't even know how to respond to this kind of stupidity.
  2. What part of "they're going to release multiple collections" do you not understand?
  3. Shining Force: Final Conflict. We finally started this last week. I'll also probably play Days Gone.
  4. Castlevania is a massive series with a ton of good games. They aren't going to put them all in one collection and they're going to release further collections. This one specifically focuses on the beginnings of the series. That said, I'm not interested in this since it's digital only, has issues, and I have the most epic Castlevania collection ever.
  5. I ran around like a scared idiot, kept getting beat to hell, throwing molotovs, and just when I thought I was gonna die, I tossed a frag grenade and buh-bye, he died.
  6. I'll watch this once I finally read the book. Plus, I just put my Hulu on pause for a few months. But this looks good.
  7. I finished Dead Wake last night, that was a good read. I've also started reading IT by Stephen King. King has always been hit or miss for me, but I'm liking this so far. All the talk about Chapter 2 made me finally want to start this one.
  8. Yep, Dodger has gotten shit just because he reasonably asks for immigration reform. Not because he's said stupid, racist shit on numerous occasions. Edit: plenty of sexist shit, too.
  9. The West, by Ken Burns 8/10 So far my least favorite Burns' series. It was still quite good, but I had some trouble staying with it at times.
  10. How does an American end up on Sweden's watch list?
  11. I didn't really think you were. I just think the entire idea of bringing up divorce in this thread is completely ridiculous and doesn't make an iota of sense. But you aren't the doofus who originally brought it up.
  12. You're right on one thing. It is off topic and has not a damn thing to do with a woman's right to control her own body and fucking rape. Good day, sir.
  13. It's completely irrelevant. Abortion is a complex decision involving bodily autonomy. Sure, divorce can be a financial burden, but what's your solution? Outlaw divorce?
  14. I'm just ready to get the shit I need to take on a horde. Seems like there was one infestation in the Hot Springs region of the map I didn't finish yet, because there's a damn horde there and I can't take it on.
  15. I really have no idea how far I am in the game. I made it to Iron Mike's last night, though. I haven't gotten tired of it, yet. The Lisa character kinda pisses me off, though. I get she's just a kid and lost her parents and all. But, damn, stay somewhere where it's safe. Stop running off! You're gonna have to work, too.
  16. P much. But it's just another example of Dodger being Dodger. His line of thinking on women's issues has always been like this. This is the guy who told me I should be reproducing. I can't quite articulate why he said what he did, but it's not out of the blue for him, given his history.
  17. Yeah, man, getting the shaft in a hypothetical divorce is totally comparable to being raped and then being forced to carry your rapist's baby. Jesus, fuck, I don't know how you process your thoughts sometimes.
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