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Everything posted by CastlevaniaNut18

  1. It continues to be inexcusable when games don't show you how much time you've put into them.
  2. I can't really play much of anything on the N64, including Castlevania. But those games were kinda crappy, anyway.
  3. I've deciding to stop caring, basically. It's a show. I'll move on quickly. I want to see how it ends, but if it doesn't end how I want it to, then I'm okay. These last couple seasons have had some great moments, but it's clearly been rushed, but it is what it is. No sense in getting worked up over it.
  4. Oh, and Zelda has the better music on the FDS version, but the cart version is the same as the US release.
  5. The original Castlevania music is the same on both regions. Simon's Quest is a little different since it was only on FDS. Dracula's Curse is a ton better on Famicom.
  6. I can't wait for all the fan theories and predictions to be wrong.
  7. Yeah, I'm glad I'm enjoying this much more than RDR2. Crazy stuff, huh?
  8. ROFL! Not even close. I've talked at length here about how awful Konami has been and how I have all this contempt for them, despite them being on of my all time favorite game producers. Konami is practically dead to me. You're just being a massive dolt about this. There have been countless, countless, countless collections over the history of gaming. They've often come in series. I know, because I own a ton of these retro collections across multiple platforms. Konami will be releasing multiple Castlevania collections. This has been established. This is a series with roughly two dozen unique games released in the West, alone, plus many more Japan only exclusives. They were never going to release a complete collection of the series in one package. This first collection here clearly focuses on the origins of the series, the early games, the original style of 2D platforming/action. There is nothing remotely controversial about this release. Particularly when there will be more down the road. the only potential gripe about the selection of games one could make is that it doesn't include Rondo of Blood. But I expect it to be on the next collection. If not, then I'll call them stupid.
  9. I don't even know how to respond to this kind of stupidity.
  10. What part of "they're going to release multiple collections" do you not understand?
  11. Shining Force: Final Conflict. We finally started this last week. I'll also probably play Days Gone.
  12. Castlevania is a massive series with a ton of good games. They aren't going to put them all in one collection and they're going to release further collections. This one specifically focuses on the beginnings of the series. That said, I'm not interested in this since it's digital only, has issues, and I have the most epic Castlevania collection ever.
  13. I ran around like a scared idiot, kept getting beat to hell, throwing molotovs, and just when I thought I was gonna die, I tossed a frag grenade and buh-bye, he died.
  14. I'll watch this once I finally read the book. Plus, I just put my Hulu on pause for a few months. But this looks good.
  15. I finished Dead Wake last night, that was a good read. I've also started reading IT by Stephen King. King has always been hit or miss for me, but I'm liking this so far. All the talk about Chapter 2 made me finally want to start this one.
  16. Yep, Dodger has gotten shit just because he reasonably asks for immigration reform. Not because he's said stupid, racist shit on numerous occasions. Edit: plenty of sexist shit, too.
  17. The West, by Ken Burns 8/10 So far my least favorite Burns' series. It was still quite good, but I had some trouble staying with it at times.
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