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Everything posted by Bloodporne

  1. Yeah but only a few times. I didn't get why you could do that until exactly that happened...wasting a flask on Mr. Horse getting smashed.
  2. 20k? With what I had already, enough for a few levels at the time. But I'm one of those people who seemingly NEVER uses any of the boss weapons in any Souls game. Every time I've tried I ended up regretting not just getting the XP.
  3. I've been using that colorful stones Rainbow Stones item a lot in this. You can throw it down wherever you want to jump and if the stone shatters it means you'd die. If it doesn't and glows instead, safe to jump.
  4. They're flowers you find, typically in dungeons but I've found them in areas with graveyards etc. You'd find them in your sub-menu that has the smithing stones, not regular crafting items.
  5. It's such a crushing burn already just to list the number, I didn't really need to comment even.
  6. Don't even worry about that dude yet. I checked out what was down there last night, killed him and I forgot what the reward was now but...it wasn't some game-changing shit or anything. Also, he gave me like 2000 runes.
  7. Yup. My exact issue as well. Also, I need quite a few Smithing Stone [1]. I wanna dump a bit of materials into the whip to check it out but thought I'd be able to buy those from a vendor by now.
  8. Comedians In Cars is one of those crack shows. You put one episode on, turn around and it's fucking 2 hours later and you have no idea what happened. It has a really good...atmosphere and format? I have no idea why I enjoy it so much but I do.
  9. Oh god please, this thread has been great, can we not go into the From Are Stupid Elitsts vs. Go Play Ubisoft thing that every Souls thread turns into?
  10. Eh, I'm good. It's somewhat for self-preservation reasons. I already play too much, can't imagine how it would go if I had something portable.
  11. Now imagine discovering Demon's Souls or Dark Souls back when literally nobody was doing what they're doing. There was literally nothing like it compared to just how influential From has become since. Having grown up with NES/SNES Zelda, RPGs and what not, it was like a slap in the face reminding me what made videogames feel uh "magical". Experiencing that again with Dark Souls made me interested in gaming again in the first place so this series, if you want to count Elden Ring in there because I would, always has an extra-special place for me. I don't know how they keep fucking doing it but Elden Ring feels like yet another new level of that. It's like they have this innate understanding of everything that makes videogames uniquely exciting vs. any other entertainment medium and just keep polishing and polishing exactly that. I remember playing Bloodborne thinking fuck man, you just cannot make a game better, more inspired and exciting than this as a developer, you just can't, this is their ceiling. And they just keep going. That's not to say I think their games are flawless, they're not, I've never played a flawless game, but even with even some glaring flaws in some of their titles, they're the definition of what's great about videogames for me. They never take control away from you, never interrupt you with superfluous shit and never take you for an impatient dummy even at their own expense when they could probably easily hammer out something less niche. I respect the fuck out of any artistic entity like that and it's obviously ultimately paid off for them, just look at Elden Ring's sales and reviews. tl;dr = the reason why everyone bitten by the From bug won't shut the fuck up!
  12. I love the way From designs little things like this: I was messing around in Caelid randomly, just being curious about a certain cliffside, when I saw a small camp of sorts with two guards with a banner at the front. Went down there, stealth killed them and was ready to move on when it seemed like they were guarding nothing. Figured I should check again and tucked away behind a little corner was a mine entrance that yielded a ton of smithing stones, a boss and an NPC. Love how exciting the whole idea of 'there are guards...they must be there for a reason...YUP!' felt.
  13. Played the whole evening and discovered a lot of cool shit. Had to force myself to stop. I'm tryin so hard not to ask some questions about areas here, some 'secrets' are driving me nuts argh
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