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Everything posted by Bloodporne

  1. There's just one moment in Hard Eight where he has an outburst and it had been boiling the entire movie, really elevates his entire character. I always thought that level of restraint and calculation was incredible on his part.
  2. Speaking of Heaven's Gate in that other thread, this fucking movie should theoretically be the Heaven's Gate moment for this whole new wave of Art Horror/A24 Horror. This one just really hit the bottom of the barrel for me and god knows I hate Ari Aster's films.
  3. Hell no! I play "skip the bad block!" enough, I don't need more action in my life
  4. Yeah! Next time you don't buy Shadow Tactics after I beg everyone to do so, think of THAT!
  5. Broforce is really fun and this looks fun too. Not sure about uh....Genital Jousting...?
  6. Nah I don't think it's a bummer. Really most of my favorite artists have releases I just don't like for some reason or another. A lot of aspects you brought up definitely do work well, for me it just never gelled as a cohesive, exciting movie for me. I've had my ups and downs with Cronenberg's movies. I always loved some of his less classic stuff like Crash for some reason but didn't really get Videodrome when I was younger. Recently went on a binge, maybe last year, and The Brood, Videodrome and Dead Ringers all hit me in some perfect way. Maybe because I'm feeling especially bleak about our increasingly dystopian world. Also, the soundtrack was absolutely great here, yup.
  7. You all need to collectively play Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun. Phenomenal game but very niche.
  8. Like I said above, I do wonder if they'll expand and open up the way restrictive level design of the original. I feel like they kind of have to especially after the sequel and them seemingly wanting to tie it in directly with the whole "Part 1" aesthetic and all. But yeah, the original still is way "modern". I can't even think of some vast improvement beyond bring it up to speed with TLOU2.
  9. Again, assuming this just means TLoU2's combat for the most part. Shit, I hope they added the grass stealth, prone move and all that other stuff fully and also opened up the level design a bit more. Definitely buying it if so.
  10. Based on the trailer, this 100% just looks like TLoU recreated in TLoU 2. I'm actually kind of excited for that?
  11. This. Gameplay is some A+ shit and on Grounded it's incredibly tense.
  12. Full of interesting ideas but unfortunately felt like the movie simply moved from tedious exposition dump to the next tedious exposition dump without any flow nor excitement. Some cool visuals and well, ideas, but it was surprisingly...boring.
  13. This is one I really like. I love those 70s family drama horrors and this movie is often very unsettling and heavy feeling.
  14. Trashing the RE4 Remake from 25 years ago on the D1P Wayback archive page in my nuclear bunker even though it turned out to be better than the original. Every time I hit "Submit Reply", I get an error message and then my glasses break
  15. Also just to fuel my "recycle and cut content central" conspiracy theory in my head, I immediately see they recycled Leon's model from RE2R so I can't wait to see how many corners they cut on this one.
  16. I mean I personally think a Director's Cut release with RE2R and RE3R somehow remixed as one big game would be cool. I'd buy that shit full price again. RE2R gore though. I replayed both not that long ago and it just feels like one game they cut apart awkwardly. I know it wasn't, but it feels like it especially with some distance.
  17. I've never been closer to going full WASP Karen mega-meltdown CALL THE FUCKING MANAGER than the single time in my life I bought a car at a dealership. Felt like I got my ass kicked while the assailant had a stupid grin on their face.
  18. I don't dislike RE3 Remake specifically because they cut an area I loved in the original, I only beat it once so I have nostalgia for it. I didn't like it because it felt like a massively wasted opportunity to me to actually build on RE2 Remake's rock solid foundations and finally deliver on RE3's original premise. The whole exploring Raccoon City, the subway system, the clock tower, all that stuff was legit awesome Resident Evil material and I feel like they completely squandered it on some weird hodgepodge that isn't nearly as good as even RE2 Remake and at once also feels paper thin. In my opinion they stripped down the fantastic level design of RE2R that made that new formula tick in the first place and kind of left RE3R in this almost-linear semi-Action game spot but with the combat of a more survival horror focused RE2R. The combat somehow consistently managed to annoy me in that new context and I liked it in RE2R. On top of that, one of the most satisfying angles of the combat was the insane gore and dismemberment and they scaled that back so weapons feel wimpier right off the bat to me. To me it's not about the cut content because I never had nostalgia for that but they just didn't replace it, nor expand it, in any way that made the new version good to me. Granted, it's probably because I played the shit out of RE2R but between revisiting the police station, more (and expanded, come on) sewers and then the damn lab again, it's like a 5 hour game that has a ton of same-y-same to things I just played to exhaustion the year prior only not nearly as good. That's where the massively wasted potential and disappointment comes in for me. I can say yeah, this stuff was in the original but they changed RE2 fundamentally, why not with this one? They know internally that everyone who's buying this just bought RE2R and played the shit out of it. It's like a Dark Souls II scenario for me. If I had never played RE2R, it'd be a weird and cool game probably, like a 7/10 maybe. But unfortunately it came hot off the heels of a vastly superior lightning-in-a-bottle game for me. That's not to say the originals don't have their issues, RE2R has tons of stuff that annoys me too, but whatever they came up with just worked and RE3R didn't for me. That game is anemic, does everything worse than RE2R, squanders every bit of potential the awesome idea of RE3 had and on top of it has an insanely shit final boss. Sorry for the rant by the way but RE3R is one of those games that made me actively want to write a fuck you letter to the company lol
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