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Everything posted by TheLeon

  1. Got caught up this morning, then downloaded Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge to keep the buzz going.
  2. Why are you guys talking about Michael Jordan? I was referencing my favorite Jim Carey movie.
  3. Killer premise, can’t wait. My only disappointment is that it’s not a Mid Size Sedan concert.
  4. He wasn’t above working in TV when he directed episodes of ER and CSI, although maybe he saw those more like gimmicks (what’s “stunt casting” for TV directors?) and not really working in TV. But it would be an easy workaround if he really wants to stop at 10 movies but keep working.
  5. Sick. Can’t wait to play FFTA over the course of two years worth of lunch breaks.
  6. There were those seasons of Archer where they got tired of spy stuff, so they did full season arcs that were the same characters in completely different settings.
  7. I fell way behind on this show. Episode 3 is the last one I saw. Oh darn, I guess I’ll just have to watch an episode a day for the next week.
  8. I’ll give it a download to take a look at it, but it doesn’t seem like something I would actually enjoy playing all that much.
  9. Guarantee the big bad of that show will be the Master of Tickets.
  10. TheLeon


    Ah yes, the classy 2 years notice.
  11. Death Stranding - I’m now several hours beyond where I quit at launch (early chapter 3). I don’t know if they made a lot of balance changes for this version or if things are going more smoothly for me this time because I know what to expect, but I remember this game being far more frustrating/difficult. Things have been really smooth up to this point.
  12. I like to imagine he spent months prepping for this, slowly building up an immunity to capsaicin like it’s iocane powder.
  13. LMAO I wonder who is more likely to give this movie 1 star. People who didn’t see it and just hate it on principle, or people who wanted a “how to overthrow the government” instructional film and were disappointed that it’s basically just about journalists on a dangerous road trip.
  14. Unbelievably, the game that’s finally hooked me: Death Stranding: Director’s Cut.
  15. DDs are fine for what they are, but to get to any Dunkin from my apartment, I would have to pass a local place that has better donuts. A spot opened up down the street from me last year, and it’s dangerous. Great quality, wide range of styles and flavors, and reasonably priced.
  16. I have Midnight Suns downloaded from PS+. I had previously played the 2 hour trial or whatever it was, and I do plan to get back to it eventually. I also downloaded Fallout 76 the other day (free code from Amazon). I know it was a famous disaster at launch, but I’m curious to see what it’s like now. I did the Mass Effect Trilogy replay a couple years ago, and honestly wouldn’t mind doing it again. I really wish I could get into games like Planescape and Pillars of Eternity. BG3 is the closest I’ve come, and I still have a hard time with that one.
  17. I love the show, and I’ll be sad to see it go, but so few shows even make it to 5 seasons. I find it hard to be outraged about this.
  18. Gotta save something for the return trip! Apparently they want me back for another visit, which I find hilarious because they really didn’t need me the first time. I assume at this point they need help at the new warehouse, which might actually be interesting. But I cancelled a New York trip to go the first time, and I rescheduled that for the last week of April. I told my boss if they still want me in May (and I’m assuming things will still be a total shitshow then) they can send me back.
  19. I’ve kinda been dreading The Discourse on this one, but now having seen it, the most controversial thing about it… is that it’s not particularly controversial.
  20. I joined the IGN boards in ‘06, but I don’t think I really overlapped with most of you there. I spent too much of my time there with the maniacs of the Wii Lobby. I joined the BC migration I think mostly out of boredom, not because all my friends were leaving. Now I’m bored again, but there’s nowhere else to go. Oh well, I guess I’m stuck with you d1pshits.
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