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Everything posted by thedarkstark

  1. I mean they shouldn't have preordered a game in the first place but beyond that I'd get the frustration if it was CDPR choice, but from what I've read it doesn't seem like it was their decision, it sounds like it was forced on them by failing to pass some step of the certification process on current-gen consoles. Honestly though I bet most of these people are full of it, they're just throwing a tantrum on the internet because they're frustrated but they didn't actually cancel or they'll just go ahead and buy the game day 1 anyways.
  2. This. Raw power alone isn't nearly enough for amd to "win" rtx, dlss, and better driver support are the reason to buy nvidia.
  3. Yeah I changed dodge to mouse 4 and it made all the difference, it was almost unplayable with it on shift. I picked it up while it was still on sale on steam.
  4. Hmmmm... Are you using default keybinds? Maybe if I moved dodge to something besides shift it might feel less awkward.
  5. Are you using a controller or KB+M? I just downloaded the demo and keyboard felt horrible. Will have to try with a controller later on.
  6. This is probably the first time ever that I'm anything beyond slightly disappointed over a delay, I'm actually pissed. **** CDPR
  7. It's an ugly game there's no doubt about it. I hate the art style its like its having an identity crisis. It's a jumbled amalgam of noire, cyberpunk, realistic and cartoonish that looks incredibly generic and boring.
  8. You absolutely can do that yeah, but analytics probably show that its just better to get content out ASAP or maybe they just dgaf Not defending them btw their site is basically just one giant amazon advert these days, just pointing out one possibility.
  9. Could be wrong but this was just uploaded, I'm pretty sure the higher quality stuff takes longer to import. Like the option to play in 720p literally wasnt available a few minutes ago but is now
  10. I've been waiting to hear about these types of details also. There's no chance I pick it up on PS5 with the price hike + PSN requirement, I may grab it on PC but the sparse details had killed any little bit of hype I may have had for it, this could change that.
  11. You made the right choice, Tsushima was a fun time (platinumed it) but its pretty forgettable imho. It's kind of a jack-of-all-trades, master of none game.
  12. I was being a bit hyperbolic but the 1st 2 colossi aren't at all indicative of the experience they're literally a tutorial. What makes the game shine is the sense of scale and the puzzle solving, which the fist 2 don't capture. If you're never going to finish it you may as well look up videos on some of the later battles to get an idea of what you are missing @Bloodporne
  13. You don't need an excuse but it's silly to "try" a game and then give up after what is essentially the tutorial not once but thrice. It's like booting up Halo: CE and quitting after they tell you to look up, down, left, right and deciding "this isnt for me"
  14. Thats a pretty weak excuse, it only takes like 20 minutes to beat the first 2 colossi.
  15. lol all the negative replies. Not going to say it's deserved quite yet but charging more on console than PC and require a PS+ subscription and an internet connection to play solo is pretty garbage.
  16. This is what I'm imagining is about to go down:
  17. It really depends on what you play imo. For really action oriented game 3 feet is wayyyy too ****ing close, even 6 feet might be a little difficult to follow all the action. The general rule is you should never have to move your head to follow what is happening. Now if you only play turn based rpgs or something you might be fine but my reccomendation is definitely stay on the smaller side if you plan to sit 3 feet away at any point. Here's a helpful guideon size/resolution/distance: What size TV should you buy? | Tom's Guide WWW.TOMSGUIDE.COM What Size TV Do I Need? Here's how to figure out the size of TV set you should get and the distance away from your TV you should sit.
  18. I'm not even a child of the 80s (was 3 when they ended) but I've always loved that whole era, cyberpunk, synthwave, hip hop, etc just resonates with me. Honestly if it weren't for the setting I probably wouldn't even be interested in CP2077 ditto for Stranger Things.
  19. Flight sim will never run well until they learn how to code to properly utilize mutiple cpu cores.
  20. @Spork3245 check my edit, but yeah if you still need one when if/when I get the email it's all yours.
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