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Everything posted by thedarkstark

  1. @Dodger @Spork3245@ManUtdRedDevils What's the status of your Target orders? Mine was picked up by fedex a few hours ago, supposed to arrive tomorrow apparently. My bank account hasn't been charged though? lol
  2. Mine still hasn't shipped either, I contacted them about an hour ago and they said "it will arrive within 4-5 days" I asked when it will ship and they said "I don't have that information" Edit: literally just got the email that it "shipped" but not popping up on fedex site yet, probably still sitting in warehouse and label just got created, says ETA is 11/18 My card also has not yet been charged.
  3. Fair enough, I'm hoping the game ends up being really fun, this is exactly my type of game (put 1,000s of hours into PSO, Warframe, Monster Hunter, etc.) but if I run out of content after a week I'd feel cheated spending $70 on it.
  4. There are some really good launch window games, Godfall doesn't have the luxury if its stiffest competition being Motorstorm. Would you like to place a wager on it not going on sale before the XSX Launch?
  5. I mean Watch Dogs Legion has tons of DLC planned but Gamestop has it on sale for $32 on black friday (Avengers will be $27). If this game doesn't sell well it will go on sale early and often, a looter game can't afford to lose its playerbase.
  6. Yeah I meant when you cancel youtube premium, I should have specified. I was given GUEST access to youtube premium for 1 month like 2 year ago and I still get all these bullshit ads to "come back" it's so annoying I've considered making a new account.
  7. From everything I've read including your impressions it seems like a game that 6 months-1 year later might be really really good, but is severely lacking in content at the moment. I don't think I want to spend $60-70 on something that will presumably much cheaper and also a much better game several months later.
  8. not emails, every time you watch a video from now on be prepared to click "no I don't want to rejoin" first, then watching 3 ad videos.
  9. Not worth it, once you cancel they bombard the ever-loving **** out of you with ads to rejoin.
  10. pretty sure somebody died during the ps2 launch, people have also gotten shot/killed for holiday Air Jordan sneaker releases about 10-15 years ago too. Obviously things are a bit different with most physical releases cancelled but tensions are at an all-time high, tech is really in demand this year, hopefully everyone stays safe out there.
  11. Yeah it's been a minute, I think I stopped posting right around the time the PS4 launched so like 7 years? Glad to be back
  12. Not sure about the date in their bio but the interview you're referencing with the vice president took place on October 28th, the day after they announced the delay and has already been discussed in this thread. Edit: Cyberpunk 2077 Re-confirms December Release Date After Delay Rumors - IGN WWW.IGN.COM Cyberpunk 2077 devs say December 10th is still the current release date for the RPG after rumors of another delay.
  13. This is conjecture and pure speculation, it's literally just some random offering their pessimistic opinion. It's obviously possible maybe even probable that it does get delayed again but this offers no new information.
  14. I put like 500 hours into Skyrim. I beat Witcher 2 going to start 3 soon. I nearly completed Fallout 3 but it lost me near the end, Fallout 4 was meh, I started Mass Effect but never got very far.
  15. Back in the IGN PCCB/GB days I was Abstract_Snipes, I did a bit of posting here on bad catridge/D1P but I took a long hiatus and my account got purged.
  16. Good to know that 10+ years have passed and Lucian still sounds like the same angsty teen edgelord cuck that I remember. @Brick thanks for sharing.
  17. Sadly I do agree with most of your points but I don't think everyone falls under that umbrella. Cults are a thing for a reason, people fall under the spell of... for lack of a better word "charismatic" people because they feel like they lack a sense of purpose or belonging and somebody comes along and gives them one. I think a lot of people needed very little coercion to get there, many were already racist and as you said just needed a person to embolden them but you can't convince me that the Holocaust would still happen without Hitler. I'm not in favor of censorship but the inflammatory remarks Trump has made the past few days is worrisome, if he were to issue a call to arms I'm certain many would heed it. Regardless the only thing we can do at this point is try and bridge the gap, hostility has never solved anything, you may not change the mind of the 40+ year old racist but perhaps you can win over his children, it's at least something to strive for.
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