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Everything posted by Spawn_of_Apathy

  1. I currently have no plans to buy a next Xbox console if and when it comes out. I got a gaming PC because I am finally in a place in life I could afford a good one, and nearly everything I want to play is cross play at least through Game Pass w/ Xbox to still play with my friends. It’s been my theory that this has been the end game for a while. Eventually MS has a cloud based box/stick and you subscribe to Gamepass. And Gamepass is on PC, PS, and Nintendo. Where Xbox games are playable anywhere and “Xbox” really just means Gamepass. If I wasn’t completely sure of this after the Zenimax purchase I definitely am w/ the ABK purchase. Some games being timed exclusive on Gamepass makes sense and so does eventually releasing stuff to more platforms.
  2. I’m still very into this game. I do wish the grapple was better. At least on Gamepass it has no audio effect when using it, but it also feels clunky. You can aim at a cliff’s edge, attach and zip up, but then your character drops a bit and has to climb the rest of the way. Thankfully or sadly, depending on your view, it can be quickly supplanted by riding a flying Pal. This is kind of true for the glider too. anywho, back to the game.
  3. Yeah, that was always the thing about the supposed claim of game consoles delivering Toy Story graphics. Like the PS2. Toy Story took as little as 45 minutes to as much as 30 hours to render a single frame, because of a myriad of things including ray tracing. Nothing was going to that in real time in a box the size of a VCR in the early 2000s. And it’s why CGI was used even more sparingly in the 80s. Computers being even more expensive and taking even longer to do the computations and rendering.
  4. I do think it’s good when review outlets get review copies. While I don’t think any organization or individual is entitled to receive a review copy of a game I do think it’s wrong to exclude anyone because an outlet would not be favorable enough, based on past reviews and perceived biases. The problem is many studios but more importantly publishers see reviews entirely as marketing. one ongoing trend I hate is when reviewers talk to the developer about issues, the developer promises they will be fixed in a day-one patch and then it takes weeks-months to get fixed, if ever. Does the review point out the issues? Nope. This kind of thing is getting better, but still happens. Payday 3 comes to mind. It’s why we all got worried when Doom 2016 didn’t send out review codes. Doom 2016 is still an anomaly, but sited when a publisher doesn’t send out review codes. Or limits review codes and sets and embargo like right at the release date. For a multitude of reasons we will never get an industry that treats reviews with reverence and honor, for the sole intent of conveying value and quality consumers. We’ll always have those using reviews for other agendas. Whether it’s feeding a console war, click baiting for views, reviewing bombing for whatever other reason, sucking up for access, marketing, etc. There’s no way to fix it, because once money is involved nothing stays sacred.
  5. to be fair Remnant 2 is on game pass. So there is a low risk option to trying it. Like a souls game this is a game where you have to expect to die. …and die a lot. Unlike a souls game it isn’t so punishing that you drop stuff when you die. You never have to play the game on anything harder than the easiest difficulty. There’s some rewards for beating the game on the higher difficulties, but they aren’t necessary. As you play you’ll level up classes you’re using, getting stronger, earning fraught points to get stronger, and currency to level up weapons to get stronger. It is a game that starts off challenging, but gets easier the more play and do. Eventually you’ve found so many items, and gotten so strong that you’re able to melt bosses on the Survivor difficulty, the easy difficulty. Make your first class the Handler. You get a dog that can pick you up as if you’re playing coop, it attacks enemies too, and it has skills that gives you buffs. It’s a good well rounded class for solo play.
  6. Well, we did it. Me and the homies beat the game on Apocalypse tonight. We all still can’t wait for the next DLC to drop.
  7. Normally yes if the game is very story focused or very mechanically unique and not all that intuitive without a tutorial. The biggest culprit is JRPGs as they can often be all of that. So not only do I need the motivation to play it again, but I often feel the need to completely restart. I’ve always been bad with names, I’m real life and in games. So a very story driven game in a completely original made up world will have me lost on who the fuck anyone is talking about. Like imagine starting Game of Thrones halfway into season 4, and that’s how lost I feel. I can’t tell the names of the good guys from the bad guys. I may not even remember specific events. It can also happen if I put the game down while playing a very challenging part of the game or on the highest difficulty setting. Not having the same muscle memory or timing and finesse I may have had before putting the game down.
  8. not only not talked about, but whenever Republicans will talk about universal basic income they’ll claim people will stop working entirely or spend it on drugs.
  9. I didn’t realize Japan had a death penalty. Weirdly enough I thought they were more “civilized” than that and it was an area where America was fairly alone in the modern industrialized world.
  10. There’s many things to learn in games that can be applied on real tracks. Carrying as much speed as you can, not bleeding too much off is crucial in karting. It may be hard to feel that in 600hp GT cars, but in 100hp E class cars you’ll definitely feel that.
  11. I didn’t take it that way. Just that the game is so demanding, and maybe even using their DMR baked in to tank performance even more that if you’re not on a 3080 or better do not expect anything above 30fps
  12. Just pick a random spot in a public place, whip out your Deck and play with it until your wrists and fingers get tired.
  13. it’s my favorite game of 2024. :P Also you can really customize the difficulty in almost any way you want to tailor the experience to you. Like you want to slow down how long it takes for your Pokémon Pals to get hungry, you can, slow down how long it takes for you to get hungry you can. Change XP gains, time progression, how long stuff takes to build, combat, etc etc.
  14. I can see where some would prefer save money and not use super sampling, frame gen, or ray tracing, but still have a decent 1440 ultra card for new games.
  15. Is that going to include w/ ray tracing? Even the article seemed to imply that’s why they’re not charging as much as a 4080. FSR isn’t as good as DLSS and their RT isn’t as good, so comparing the two they aren’t worth the same price to consumers.
  16. I had a dream of somebody whispering in my ear that gave me a real life feeling of vertigo. Very strange.
  17. Spyro 1 on the PlayStation back in the 90s gave me a creeping headache. I’ve since had similar feelings in games where the FOV is too low, which can be exacerbated by low and inconsistent frame rate and frame pacing, and camera wobble. Starfield actually gave me a headache day one until I modded the FOV out to 100. It wasn’t bad, but it made playing upwards of 2 hours kind of unpleasant. With most games now fixing the FOV feels like the eye/head equivalent of putting a cushion behind my lower back when watching tv and gaming. lol Fuck getting old.
  18. Demons Soul Kart. Just different enough?
  19. Is this just for video content, or is an alternative to MS’s auto-HDR for gaming too?
  20. It’s like digital cock fighting, or dog fighting, or mongoose and cobra fighting etc. you go out catch your own. Fight others. Level them up. Learn new moves, build teams of different makeups, earn badges by beating gym leaders that lets you control Pokémon of higher and higher levels. It’s an RPG where instead of a knight, white mage, rogue, dark mage, etc you capture animals. Solve mysteries. Depending on the game you have gangs, a rival, and maybe some legendary Pokémon to defeat that’s screwing with the world. many people have at least 1 favorite Pokémon. And there’s a desire to fill out the Pokédex (collection index) of every Pokémon in the franchise. So it’s a big collect-a-thon game too. There’s breeding in games, so you can even get into breeding Pokémon with the stats and abilities you want. There’s “shiny” Pokémon that are rare versions of basic Pokémon.
  21. Define “fine”. They are some of the worst looking, worst performing, jankiest games in the Switch library. Definitely the worst in all areas compared to other Nintendo first party titles. They should only be considered acceptable if you’ve got stocks in Nintendo.
  22. lol yeah, a guy can hope for the sake of all the Pokémon fans. I played it today and … I didn’t hate it. I don’t know how long it will hold my interest, but I built up a bit of a base that could self sustain itself with food and went out adventuring. Honestly, I can see why many Pokémon fans would get drawn to this. I find myself trying to capture every Pal I first encounter. They all have different traits, some making them good at something in the base, some good at fighting, and some good at very little because of their negative traits. Different Pals during the day and night. There clearly seems to be the same type of rock, paper, scissors that Pokémon uses. The personality traits are amusing. I had this Pal that immediately started slacking off and and was in a grumpy mood as soon as I introduced a Pal with water abilities. That grumpy Pal had a passive trait “hydrophobic”, so I think that causes an issue. lol
  23. Indeed. I wonder if the success and interest in this might convince Pokémon company and Game Freak to improve their own games, making Pokémon a better product.
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